The Vision

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We had no other choice but to engage with the alien ship that was approaching earth. As described by Shiro just moments ago, these aliens conquer and destroy worlds. They would get rid of anything and everything that got in their way to get a hold of one of the lions. There's no bargaining with them; they won't stop until they got what they needed.

In front of us was a giant alien ship; nothing like I've ever seen before. We were flying in space with no clue to where we were heading before it showed up. My jaw dropped slightly at the sight of the foreign spacecraft. It was a large ship, probably with the length of one hundred school buses lined up behind each other, maybe even more.

"They found me," Shiro uttered to himself. I turn to look at him. I saw it in his eyes that he too, was afraid; afraid of getting caught again by those aliens or worse, killed.

Multiple lasers were aimed at us, causing the lion to dodge every single one. "We have to get it out of here!" Pidge commanded as she looked at Lance. He pulled on the levers back, telling everyone to hang on tight.

Lance maneuvered the lion to avoid getting hit by the beams, but there were too much coming at us. "Okay, I know what I'm going to do." Lance continued to fly the lion, moving in a little closer to the alien spacecraft. He pushes his left lever, activating a blue beam from the lion's mouth and aimed at the ship. The hit caused the one area to blow up.

He persisted, dodging every beam that aimed at us. The lion advanced towards the ship, running on the side with its claws digging into the surface. It jumps off, flying away from the ship. The marks that it left behind caused the spacecraft to blow. "Nice job, Lance," Shiro congratulated the pilot.

A shadow loomed beside the lion, making me realize that they were chasing after us. "It looks like it's not over yet."

"Great, now we're being chased!" Hunk cries. I looked out the window, wondering where we were. I saw a rounded blue meteor that we passed.

"Where are we anyway?" Keith asked.

"We're at the edge of the solar system. That's Kerberos." No wonder why it looked familiar. I've seen photos of the moon before in textbooks, although they weren't the best quality.

"It usually takes months to get it this far, but it took us five seconds!" Pidge added. Suddenly, a giant ring appeared distances away from us. It looked like a portal or wormhole of some sort.

"This is crazy, but uh, the lion wants us to go through there." There was a tinge of worry in Lance's voice as he continued to pilot the lion.

"Where does it lead to?" I asked.

"I-I don't know," Lance responded. "Shiro, you're the senior officer amongst us. What should we do?" I turn to Shiro, as did everyone else, to hear what he had to say.

Without any hesitation, he opened his mouth, "With all the things that are happening right now and the lion knowing more than we do, I say we trust it." He turns to look at my direction. "But we're a team now. We should decide on this together."

We all exchanged looks, confirming our decision. Pidge placed a hand on Lance's shoulder, giving him the final say in what the team wants. We had no other choice, believing this is the best choice to make.

Lance nodded his head as he let out a sigh. "Okay, sounds like we're going to miss class tomorrow." He then accelerates towards the giant portal, leading us through a tunnel of light.

The gravitational pull from one end of the portal to the next was overwhelming, making us all hold onto anything around us. I gritted my teeth as I continued to hold onto Lance's seat, pulling my body against it so that I didn't slip. And just like that, we were in front of another planet that looked similar.

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