The Hardest Choice Pt.2

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"Actually, neither of us are leaving." An eerie red glow lit around us, causing the ground to shake. That was when I knew the platform was on the verge of collapsing at any given time.

Just as everything was happening, Shiro's robotic hand glowed. At first, I thought it would be an even stronger weapon to knock me out, but instead, the light engulfed the entire arm, causing Shiro to cry out in pain. He lifts up his arm as sparks flew from it, bringing it down as if Shiro was trying to stop the pain. Shiro falls on his knees, banging his robotic arm on the ground as he screams out in pain.

"Shiro!" I called out as I saw everything start to unravel before me. Sparks continued to emit from the metal arm as Shiro tried to fight back the pain. In result of this, Shiro was no longer in control of what was happening to his arm, blasting a hole in the ground with a laser that ended up cutting up the platform below us.

I moved away as fast as I could, avoiding being caught in Shiro's inability to control himself. The ground shook below me as I rushed over to the only side I could stay on. I held onto the railings to see the planet below as the platform beneath me began to tip.

My eyes looked away from the planet, seeing Shiro now back on his feet. His back was arched forward as he was getting used to his arm that was now glowing. In fact, it looked a lot different from before. What still remained the same was the sly expression on Shiro's face. He was almost unrecognizable at this point.

Shiro extends his arm towards me. I knew I had to make a run for it and so I did. I dashed to the edge as I heard the whirring of Shiro's arm about to blast me. With no hesitation, I leaped off the platform, seeing the next portion of the platform that held all of the life-sized containers right below me.

I rolled on the ground as soon as I landed, getting back on my feet to see Shiro standing on the ledge where I had leaped off from. He points his newly formed robotic arm at me and set off another blast in my direction. I had no choice but to make a run for it as Shiro started to destroy the platform I was on.

Shiro continued to cut the platform left and right, detaching the platform from the rock. All I could do was slip down the walkway as the floor tilted to one side. As I did, I saw another ledge that I could land on as this platform was making its way down to the planet's atmosphere. The problem was, that platform was more than ten feet below me. Jumping off now could be hazardous for me if I'm not careful.

I had no time to waste. I had to make another jump to avoid getting crushed by falling containers. Gravity pulled me down quickly as I was free-falling through space to get to my destination. I could feel my heart rise up past my chest and my stomach feel like it was going to hurl from all the movement I was going through.

I activated my jetpack for a few seconds to control my landing a little bit as I made sure that I was going to get on the platform. But as I got closer, I realized that my estimation was off. At any rate, I had only a fifty percent chance to get on or else I would be falling into the planet's atmosphere below me.

With a loud thud, I managed to grab hold of the edge with both hands. I mustered all the strength that I had left in me to pull myself up, throwing my leg over so I could get on. I rolled over to my back as I stared at the view above me. I was entirely out of breath, panting hard as I could feel my energy levels draining.

I turned to look at my right, only to see my blade had gone back to its initial form and had dug itself into the metal ground. My chest rises as I took in a deep breath, trying to get myself together. I needed to get to my blade before Shiro shows up.

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