The Ray of Sunshine

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"Attention, Paladins of Voltron and rebel fighters. I know we've had our differences in the past, but I think it's time we had a discussion." His words echoed through my mind as I sat in my room. The thought of Lotor wanting to work with Voltron made me uneasy. I mean, I was glad that he was okay and out of Zarkon's hands, but there was something still awfully wrong. I couldn't quite pinpoint what it was.

When Lotor made his appearance, and the rebels captured him, I realized that he came alone. Zethrid, Ezor, Narti, and Acxa were nowhere in sight at the time.

"Hey," I looked up to see Keith standing at my door. "You okay?"

"Uh, yeah. I'm fine," I replied.

"You don't look okay," Keith responded in worry. "Is it about Lotor?" There was no way of concealing how I was feeling from Keith. It was like he knew just looking at my face. I let out a sigh, nodding my head in defeat knowing that there was nothing that I could hide.

"I don't understand his sudden change of heart to work with the Voltron Coalition. Something must have happened to him after I ended up with you and the rest of the team," I replied. "I just don't know if we should be trusting Lotor, not when I know that he is hiding something. "

"From what I've been hearing from Voltron, Lotor has been giving them intel that has been proven useful to stop the Galra," Keith spoke as he walked in my room, taking a seat beside me. "I think it's safe to say that he's on our side now." As much as I would like to believe that, it could be a minor part of a more significant, ulterior motive.

"I guess so," I murmured, keeping my thoughts in mind. I still couldn't fully trust Lotor, not until he tells me the truth.

Silence filled the air as we sat in my room and it was making me uncomfortable. I needed to break it. As I was about to turn to Keith, I caught him do the same thing and look at me. "Were you going to say something?" He asks.

"Well, nothing important. I just wanted to break the silence," I replied. "Did you have something to say?"

Keith then averts his gaze away from me. His cheeks started to have this faint shade of pink on top. "Well," It was like he was acting all shy around me. Keith reaches out for the back of his neck, holding onto it as he continued to avoid making eye contact with me, "It's about what happened when were inside White before heading to Senfama. I know I asked you to forget, but I want to explain myself now that we have some downtime."

I tried to think back to what Keith was referring to. It took a while for me to realize what he meant, only to feel my cheeks warm up. "I almost forgot about it," I murmured, daring not to look up at Keith. It was embarrassing just to think about what had happened. I didn't know how to feel about it.

"First, I want to apologize for my sudden action back there. I didn't mean to take advantage of you or anything," Keith says as he drops his hand from the back of his neck, bringing both arms to his knees, "I just - I just couldn't help myself. With you being on that mission with me made me worried that I was going to lose you again. After I saw that look on your face, ready to fly the White Lion to Senfama, I could see the Athena I knew before she lost her memories."

The name 'Athena' has come up more than a few times by many people including Keith. There was no doubt in my mind at this point that I had lived my life as Athena once before. But even trying to convince myself that I was 'Athena,' it wasn't enough to make me believe. "I'm sure it had made you uncomfortable, and I apologize. I don't want things to get awkward between us," Keith continued.

Loving You to the Stars and Back // Keith x OC //Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora