The Red Lion

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"We've been here for hours," I said as I turned on the pod's tracker, keeping an eye out for ay sign of Galra."Still no sign of Zarkon."

The princess let out a sigh as she looked ahead. "Well, I'm glad that I don't have to wait out here alone," Allura said as I saw her turn her head to my direction as I kept my eyes forward. "You understand, I could never live with myself if Zarkon were finding us because of me. I must know. We face a dire threat from the Galra."

Hearing Allura speak her mind made me realize that she sees the Galra as one group; as if they are all terrible creatures who want to overtake other civilizations. Ever since Ulaz laid his life down, I couldn't help but think about the Blade of Mamora that he was talking about. I couldn't help but think there are still good Galra out there.

"Well, sure, they're bad. No doubt about that," I said as I turn to look at Allura. "But at the same time, couldn't at least a few of them be fighting for good? Just look at Ulaz. He sacrificed himself to save us." I didn't want to commit to believing that all Galra were terrible entirely. If me being part Galra, I know for myself that I wouldn't follow Zarkon.

"For all we know, his sacrifice was a ploy. One life means nothing to Zarkon," Allura replied with calm anger in her voice. Her blue eyes pierced right through me, determined that the Galra is all but good.

It hurt a little knowing that she wouldn't give a chance to believe that there are those who want justice. How would she look at me if I was Galra? Allura would hate my guts and try to separate me from Athena if she found out.

"It means something to me," I spoke up. I didn't want to argue with the princess, let alone Athena's sister, but I had no choice to say what was on my mind. "It means some of them are actually willing to help. We could use all the help we can get!"

A surprised expression filled Allura's face for a short second before she retaliated, "Any offer of help from the Galra is merely a prelude to a trap. I know all too well how quickly they turn."

"It just seems crazy to lump everyone together and call them bad," I retorted.

Allura let out a sigh, tired of having this debate with me, "Listen, if there are any good Galra, they have had ten thousand years to take down Zarkon. I would never count on them for help."

I kept quiet for a while, seeing how aggravated the princess was getting with this conversation. There was nothing I could do or say to convince Allura that there are some Galra out there that we could consider as allies.

Allura sighs deeply as she looked away from me, "Sorry, you have to understand that I can't easily trust them. After what they did, I can't simply forgive their kind."

I shook my head, "No, I get it. I'm just thinking of the possibilities. It's like saying that all humans are good, but that isn't the case. There are some who do horrible things to others. You can't immediately justify an entire species to be one or the other."

This time, it was Allura who kept silent. Maybe my words reached out to her? She probably won't change her perspective of the Galra right away, but at least she has my input.

"So, what happens if Zarkon does come after us?" I changed the subject, knowing we should move on and prepare for whatever might happen while we're out here.

Allura turns to me,"You said you could pilot us to safety, right?" she asked.

"Sure, but after that, could we even go back to the group? And if we don't, who would pilot the castle or create wormholes?" I added.

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