Eighteen. (Grace x J2MARR)

616 28 2

Requested by GraceFullbuster.
Happy Birthday sweetie!


You had this smile plastered onto your lips since the moment you woke up. Other people probably think you're having one of those peculiar days. You're cheery most of the times... But never this much.

You greeted everyone you passed happily, gaining responses that were rather confusing. You didn't care in the least, you were beyond thrilled.

"Hi Jared, hi Jensen!" You slammed your hands on their shoulders and grinned, "What are my two favourite men doing?" They gave you a hug each then smiled.

"Well you're pretty cheery sweetheart," Jensen comments and smirks, "What's up?"

You raised a brow and squinted your eyes a little. "Um... it's a special day today... at least it feels like this," You commented and frowned a bit.

Jared gave Jensen a look then shrugged his shoulders. "Well... the others were asking about you," He informed then pointed to a group of actors on the other side of the set.

You huffed then stormed off with irritation, leaving the pair of actors pretty lost for words at your behaviour. "What's up with her?" Jensen watched you move away with puzzlement.

"I don't know... maybe she forgot something."


You felt like breaking down, or at least spending the rest of the afternoon alone in your trailer. It's your eighteenth birthday and you expected a loving show of wishes from your cast and crew mates on Supernatural, but you didn't receive anything... and it made you quite saddened.

You sat on one of the chairs in the corner of the set warehouse near the equipment and monitors, scrolling through your social media on your phone.

You kept glancing up, watching Misha, Alex, Rob and Richard for any signs of 'happy birthday', though they were too occupied in their work and preparing for the scenes to shoot for the day.

You started mumbling something to yourself about how the guys just don't care about you as much as you thought they would.

"Is Rose alright? She's been keeping to herself for the whole day," Richard asks with concern.

"I tried talking to her but she didn't talk to me," Misha said and Alex nodded his head in agreement.

"Maybe something happened. I think we should try again," Alex commented, "I'll go up to her." Misha put a hand on his shoulder and smiled before he started walking towards you.

"Hey Rose, how are things going on this side of the set?" He asked and sat beside you. You smiled slightly then frowned.

"Nothing much," You said quietly, "I'm sure you guys are having fun at your side of the set."

Alex shifted in his seat, "What's going on Rose? Talk to me please."

"Th-There's nothing to talk about Alex!" You exclaimed, "Leave me alone please." You crossed your arms and sat back in your seat.

Alex furrowed his eyebrows and stared at you, "There's something clearly wrong with-"

"Date," You got up and walked away from him. Alex looked at you dumbfounded then went back over to the rest of the guys.

"I didn't get anywhere with her," He said and shook his head, "She said 'date' then walked away."

"Maybe she got rejected or-"

"Hey Rose, have a happy birthday today!"

"Oh thank you Madison!" You smiled at her then hugged her tightly.

Jared bit his lip and turned his attention to the group, "Oh no..."

"Damn it, we forgot her birthday."

"Guys this is horrible!"

"What do we do? Play it off like it was a plan?"

"Yeah we have to do that."

The guys started conversing in a rush, thinking of ideas to carry out to cheer you up. They all felt guilty for it.


"What do they want?" You rolled your eyes then rested your chin on your palm in a lack of amusement, "Can't I be alone for the rest of the day?"

"According to them, no. They kept asking and talking about you, they really wanted you to join them," Madison told you and you sighed loudly.

"Do I have to?"

"Of course you do, they're your friends and they care about you."

"They don't..." You stared at the floor in despair, "They forgot my birthday."

Madison grabbed your arms and pulled you up from your seat, then pushed you towards the group of guys near the coffee machine. You glared back at her then clenched your jaw and fists. "Hey guys, what's going-"


You widened your eyes in surprise, jumping back a little in being startled. "Wh-What...?" You mumbled as they brought out an iced cake from the table they were hiding. It had three candles lit up on it and you bit your lip to hide the grin on your face.

"You d-didn't forget!" You cheered and blew out the candles, while all the guys looked at each other.

"Well..." Rob started.

"You see..." Richard added.

"We actually didn't-"

"We knew about-"

"We didn't remember, Rose," Jensen smiled nervously and shrugged his shoulders, "BUT we got you some cake and we love you no matter what."

Everyone gave you a group hug then Jared scooped some icing on his finger and rubbed it onto your face. They laughed and you squinted at him in annoyance then chuckled.

"Alright guys, I forgive you... because this cake looks amazing!"

Misha smirked, "It's not over yet. We got you a gift!"


"Yeah! Paintball!" Jensen clenched his fists then runs to the car park, with his game face on. You laughed then followed him, snacking on the cake and sharing it with the guys.

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