Leather Jacket (Erin x Dean AU)

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Requested by spnhunter1967


You tapped your fingernails on the desk you were sitting at to the tune of the song stuck in your head. 'Take On Me' by A-ha has been playing from early in the morning when you were listening to it on the radio on the way to school.

Your attention diverted to look to the room door when it swung open. Mr Alderson entered after leading a girl, with a hoodie and green dip-dyed hair, into detention.

Yes, you're in detention... a place you've never set foot in until today. You be had a streak of minding your own business and being a "good girl" especially when you're at school but a couple days ago one of the most popular girls in school insulted you in front of everyone at lunch. In turn, you squirted a bottle of water to her face and walked away.

You got detention for that, and you're kind of satisfied. There was no way you could have stopped drenching her with water and neither would she stop. Someone had to pay, and the price of two day detention for your act isn't that horrible.

Or so you thought...

Time was not on your side. You continued to glance to the clock hanging over the room door in hopes that the bell would ring some time very soon.


The room door opened again and this time a young man walked into the room. You stared at him with fascination. He wore an eye-catching leather jacket, with jeans and a fascinating necklace with a sort of mask pendant around his neck. He has jeans and dirty sneakers, and a smirk plastered onto his lips.

You licked your lips then looked to the book opened on your desk, feeling your cheeks grow hot.

Dean Winchester... a guy of pure fascination and bewilderment. He's the talk of the high school, either every girl's after him or people don't see to mess with him.

You... you don't pay much attention to his looks. Sure you find him attractive, but he juxtaposes your personality way too much. Anyways, you aren't that interested in relationships in general.

Dean walked towards the centre row of seats and took the seat that was empty to your right. In fact, out of twenty seats, sixteen were free but he chose to he next to you.

You furrowed your eyebrows and stared at him with suspicion. He smirked at you and batted his eyebrows.

"So what are you in for?" He asked, placing an arm on the table.

"Um..." You hesitated towards answering him, "Squirting a water bottle into Regina's face. What about you?"

"Spray painting the bus," He chuckled then sat straight, "They have no sense of humour."

You gulped, feeling uncomfortable around him. He emitted this negative energy and you wish he wasn't right next to you.


You started having a conversation with him. He insisted on it, you really couldn't avoid it. Dean seemed to want to know everything about you, every single detail with nothing omitted. He left you no chance to ask him a question back.

And what's more is that she seemed genuinely interested on your life and what you have to say. He wasn't just passing the time and this attitude started to make you want to be friends with him.

He's not that odd, he cares about me... right? You thought as you drew up a diagram of your living room to describe the time your cat split milk all of the floor but your mom was convinced it was you.

You smiled at the thought then frowned quickly.

But he never gave a crap about me before... You thought, Though I feel less socially anxious now.

You gave the diagram to Dean and he smiled while nodding his head. "Oh I get it now Erin, obviously you didn't make the mess," He laughed and you beamed. You looked to your hands and remained silent for a fee moments.

"Hey Dean?"


"I enjoy talking to you, you're... you're a nice person," You commented and he raised his eyebrows.

"You think so? That's not what people usually think. I don't do anything wrong... people are just too strict with their lives," He sighed, "I try enjoying my time while everyone else is just... studying."

You smiled softly, "Well it's nice that you're optimistic."

Dean looked straight into your eyes and bit his lips, "I like talking to you too Erin. You're  a lovely girl."


Your eyes darted to the clock on the wall. The school bell had rung indicating that detention was over. Although you were relieved to get out, you felt sad that you would probably never talk to-

"Erin would you like to go watch a movie with me?"

You turned to face Dean, looking at him with a shocked expression, "Wh-What?"

"My friend bailed on me and I... have an extra ticket," He rubbed his neck and you stayed silent, "It's alright, I get it. You don't want to-"

"I'd love to Dean," You smiled widely and he grinned.

"Alright I'll come by your house by 5 pm," Dean walked past you

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