Roadkill (Rose x Jared)

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Requested by GraceFullbuster, I hope you like it! 😊💕


You pushed the shopping carts from the parking lot into the reasonably-sized convinience store, looking at the many people loading their cars with bags that were filled with things they had bought to fill in their daily needs.

You worked at this store, working to earn while you studied so you could pay for the things you really wanted, like merchandise or tickets to a concert or fan convention.

Work treated you well...

Correction, work isn't that great as a whole. Usually, your co workers come out as being rude to you or don't notice you at all. You don't have any friends, you just a have one person, a guy, that you talk to sometimes but he's mostly too busy for small-talk.

But today especially, everyone at the store was being surprisingly more rude thanks usual... and you have not the faintest clue why.

You were about to step through the automatic sliding doors as they opened but turned to walk towards the back side of the building. You needed some time alone, you couldn't go back in there with grief cultivating inside you. Your superior would definitely notice and you're not in the mood for being called out.

You walked to a picnic table out at the back next to the smoking corner for employees to take a quick break. Though you wished you could stay here for longer than just time to get adjusted again.

You sat down and buried your face in your hands, crying quietly at how miserable your life had become. You had the time of your life at school with your close friends... You never really took notice of other people, they didn't of you either, but at work and pretty much in the general world things are different.

You wished it was a good difference but being that privileged in life would be a miracle for you.

You thought about leaving this job and taking another one but there would be so much effort involved... so much possible rejection from different places. You found this current job with difficulty and it pays decently, they need easy employees like you so why leave and make life more complicated?

You're living... Though living with grief and hatred all around.

You cried a little harder, you were happy that you were alone right now with your privacy. Though you'd have to go back inside the store soon, they'd notice that you've taken too long off.

You realised something... A thought that you kept pushing away all this time.

You got up and looked along the parking lot, watching people park their cars and others entering and desperately wanting an empty spot.

You scoffed, their lives were so simple and they were most likely untouched by what life could do to a person... like what you were going through.


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