"Daddy Won't Wake Up" (Castiel Pt. 1)

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🎶: 'All I Ask' by Adele

(Well I cried a little... so keep tissues close to you just in case 😢😢)
Long one up ahead

(Be sure to read part 2!)


You bit your nails forcefully while skimming through an old dusty lore book for anything that could help Cas.

You shut the book with force and threw it down next to you, falling onto the messed up pile of books. You groaned with frustrating pulling your hair a bit and feeling completely useless.

"Hey [y/n]-"

Dean walked into the library and stopped, "Woah what happened here?" You looked to him with tears in your eyes. "Dean I can't... there's nothing I can do to help him," You said, your voice cracking.

He walked over to you, placing the cup of coffee he had brought for you on the table and gave you a side hug. "We will find a way alright? You, me, Sam and Cas will find a way to get out of this situation," Dean kissed your head, "Cas will be fine and he'll be with us for as long as we're alive."

Tears flowed down your cheeks and you hugged him tightly. "Hey, and he'll do anything to make sure he stays with you and [y/s/n]," Dean said, "He loves you both so much."

After you took a deep breath Dean walked out of the library and to Sam to continue your on going quest for a solution.

What were you trying to find a solution for?

A new authority over Angels was elected due to the on going war in Heaven and the risk of losing Angels because of the 'disobedient' ones. They just needed a stupid excuse to punish the angels that were sensible and opposed the angels who were trying to acts like gods.

And Cas? He made a few bad decisions, a few mistakes but it's not like he doesn't regret it. He would do anything to redeem himself but these angels aren't buying it.

They're 'honor killing' angels like Cas in the name of a better future. They had brought Cas in one day, all of a sudden teleported him to heaven and told him that he will be executed for high treason and damage to the so-called 'natural order'. All they did was say that he shall be executed but without detail about a time or day or anything else.

And what's the worst part?

Sure the whole treason thing is bad enough but you and Cas... You have a child together and as all rules go that's a big no-no in Heaven.

When you thought life couldn't get worse with everything going wrong with supernatural creatures, these feathery beings jump in and make it worse.

And you can't find anything to help.

You buried your face in your hands and cried quietly. You questioned why you of all people had to go through this. You were on the verge of losing it completely. Cas was acting normal, though you know deep inside that he's scared. He doesn't want to die, not when he has a son and partner to look after and spend life with.

"Sweetheart I brought you something," Cas said happily, a plate with what looked like a slice of cake in his hand. You turned to him and smiled then went back to reading but another lore book.

"Is it chocolate?"

"Yes I know how m... m-much y-you-"


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