Proud Parent? (Castiel Pt. 3)

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Requested by castieI-, thanks and enjoy!
(I hope you like it)


[y/d/n] slammed the front door shut after her father entered then crossed her arms.

"Okay now let the discussion begin because I am 'excited' to know what is exactly going on with dad!" Your daughter yelled, frustration more than anger. She doesn't usually like being the one who is unaware about the details.

You stared at them then sighed, "Come sit down sweetheart, I'll get something to drink for the two of you."

Cas looked at you sadly but you glared at him, wanting an explanation so bad but not wanting your daughter to be involved.

"Cas honey, could you help me with the snacks? You guys must be starving," You requested and he walked over to the kitchen. Once he was in the kitchen you pushed him to the wall and glanced at the living room.

"What the hell happened? She called me up saying your eyes were glowing!" You clenched your jaw after whispering at him furiously, "What did you do Cas?!

"I didn't do anything, I just-"

You squinted at him and crossed your arms, "What. Did. You. Do?"

He frowned and looked to the floor, "She saw my eyes glowing when we were at the school."


"I don't know I was just making sure the students don't bully her anymore."

"So you use your powers to what? Hypnotize them?!"

"I thought I was doing the right thing."

"Well now we have to tell her who you actually are, thanks a lot Cas!"


"No Cas this is serious I just-" You rubbed your forehead and went over to get yourself a glass of water. You could feel the anxiety rising within you.

"I just want to protect her for as long as we can," A tear rolled down your cheek, "She's too young Cas, this could just ruin her."

He hugged you from behind, kissing your neck, "It'll be alright [y/n], I feel that she's old enough to know that her father isn't-"

"Mom, dad, you can talk put here. You don't have to stay in the kitchen," Your daughter called out and you bit your lip. Castiel pecked you on the lips, "It'll be fine."

He picked up a tray that had a plate of cookies and juice placed on it, and followed you to the living room.

"Now please tell me everything, mom and dad don't leave anything out," She looked to you sadly and you glanced to Cas.

"Sweetheart, your father... he isn't-"

You sat back, covering your mouth and trying to stop the tears in your eyes from flowing down.

"I'm an Angel [y/d/n], I'm not human," Castiel revealed and your daughter gulped. "I-I... What?" She wrapped her arms around herself, "Angels are real? I thought they weren't-"

Cas smiled slightly, "Yes sweetheart they're real. Your Uncle Sam and Dean hunt monsters and supernatural creatures, including Angels."

She looked up to him with tears, "Did they hurt you?" Your husband held your hand and shook his head, "No of course not, they're family. Even they didn't know that Angels existed when they started."

"W-Why didn't you tell me before? Why... were your eye glowing blue?" She said, dreading the answer. Was her dad some sort of villain?

No, he could never be... He's such a kind person.

"I was protecting you-"

"Did you hurt those students at school?"

Castiel moved up in his seat, "No, of course not. Don't think that for one second I would harm anyone without any logical reason."

She looked at you for some explanation but you were busy dealing with your internal heartbreak.

"I was... ensuring that they don't bully you [y/d/n]. I didn't hurt them or Jackson alright? They are perfectly fine, I would never hurt a soul and even if I did I would do it to protect you and your mom," Cas clarified.

Your daughter stared at the floor then got up, "M-Mom tell me he's not telling the truth. Please I... So am I an Angel then?!"

"Honey he's telling the truth, he's an Angel and he hasn't hurt anyone," You said with a cracked voice, "And no, you're not an Angel. Your father was human that time. Angels have something called grace that gives them their power. Your father didn't have it that time..."

"So my dad is an Angel who has supposedly not hurt anyone? How can I trust you anymore?" She cried, "You kept this a secret from me, all this time I thought I was normal. Turns out everyone's bullying me for a reason now, I deserve it because I'm from some crazy family!"

Castiel stood up and reached out to his daughter to stop her from leaving, "No [y/d/n]-"

"Is this even the real you? Is this how you actually look?" She said with disbelief, "Do Angels even look like humans?"

Cas frowned, he could feel tears glisten his eyes. He felt as if his daughter was being taken away from him.

"[y/d/n] look, please don't go."

"I-I need some time alone dad, to... take this all in," She sobbed then went into her room and slammed the door hard.


You looked at Cas with grief darkening your heart, "It's o-over C-Cas! SHE HATES US!"

He grabbed you and pulled you into his arms, embracing you tightly, "N-No it's fine, we'll be fine. She doesn't-"

"Cas she asked if you r-really look like that!" You shouted into his chest, "How can you think that we'll be fine?!"

He held your head in his hands and looked you straight in the eye, "We need to talk to her and she will understand our reason ALRIGHT?!"

You stared at him for a moment then stepped away and pointed a finger at him. "No, YOU are going to talk to her. This is YOUR fault and you fix up this damn mess Castiel," You exclaimed at him, he flinched a little.

He never called you Castiel... Hearing you say it, it genuinely scared him.

"I-I'll fix it o-okay? Please [y/n] don't-Don't say that it was my fault, I didn't mean for it to happen okay?!" Cas pleaded, a couple of tears rolling down his cheeks.

You walked to the main door and turned to look at him with puffed eyes, "I-I'm going for a walk... I'll see you later."

You wrapped yourself in your jacket then opened the front door and stepped out. Castiel stared ahead blankly, replaying what had gone wrong... and why did everything go south so fast?

Supernatural Imagines 2Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora