Slipped Away (Eugenia x Sam)

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This imagine was requested by CT-5445. Thanks and I hope you like it!
(I added a few elements to it to make it enjoyable for you, maybe, a gift from me 😂😆. Hope you don't mind)

🎶: 'Slipped Away' by Avril Lavigne


Sam drove the Impala, Dean didn't want to get in the way of his vengeance determination... Even though he constantly felt that the car was going to crash.

His hands firmly gripped the steering wheel, completely in rage but more with concern. Sam wanted you safe, more than anything.

They searched for weeks, nonstop, trying to find when Lucifer was holding you captive. They couldn't find out what was his reason to take you, what was the whole point?!

But it didn't matter.

You were taken and there was not a single sign of your existence anywhere... Until today afternoon, when Sam received a tip of screaming from an old house near the outskirts of town.

It was a half an hour drive, Sam didn't waste a second and sped through as fast as he could without killing himself and his brother.

"Sam, don't you think we should think our tactics through before facing Lucifer? I mean, he is the devil and he's an ass," Dean said but Sam's attention didn't divert from watching the road ahead.

"We'll deal with him like we always do. He acts smart and tough but he really doesn't have anything," Sam replied but Dean frowned. "Not normally, no... But he's got Eugenia now," Dean pointed out, "And it could turn bad."

Eugenia Flanery. Sam calls you 'Gene', it's his nickname for you, given that you love your torn jeans. Sam loves a good pun.

He loved your presence, your voice, your views, your smile, your eyes, your hair... He basically loved everything about you.

And you knew it.

What's more is that on one side Sam searched for you non stop, torturing himself for not finding any lead for such a long time, and on your side of the story, you just feel like he really doesn't care and all that appreciation towards you was just a fling.

"Okay take the next left then the following right and we should reach the house," Dean instructed, while examining the GPS map on his phone.

After much convincing, Dean sat in the passenger seat being the navigator. Sam felt as though being the one who's drives to the place would channel his inner anger and frustration somehow, leaving him a little satisfied that he has done something  more than doing research.


The Winchesters walked inside the house, armed with weapons that can cause some serious damage to an arc Angel, or atleast would him enough to let you escape.

They listened for a sound, nothing significant or of importance could be-


The blood ran cold in Sam's body. He recognised that scream for help, it couldn't be anyone else than you.

He ran towards where he was sure that the sound came from. Dean followed his brother, alert to make sure that Sam doesn't make any stupid choices and barge into the room.

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