Sanatorium (Erin x Dean)

406 23 5

Requested by spnhunter1967


You grabbed a chalk and scraped a small diagonal line cutting through a group of four lines; a tally mark to indicate the longitude of time you've spent in this sad place of despair.

You wrapped your hand around the piece of white chalk then stepped away from the wall, glorying the group of around fifty tally marks with one for each day.

You sighed then stuffed the chalk in your pillow. You pushed the bed back to its starting place to hide your work of art then you straightened your clothes.

"Erin, dayroom time!" One of the guard informed flatly and you squinted at him with disgust. They act like they care but they don't and you're sure about it. The worst thing they do it's give all the patients here at the sanatorium the look of pity or anguish, as if they are some sort of extraterestrial beings.

You looked around the dayroom with hope, wanting to find the only friend you had managed to make in this place.

"Erin!" A man calls out to her after getting up at a table and smiles widely, "I set up a game of Taboo!"

You grinned then walked over to him, hugging him tightly and taking your seat opposite him. "You seem happy today Dean," You commented and he laughed.

"Aren't I always?" He batted his eyebrows and you smiled. Dean Winchester was admitted into the sanatorium after his brother had accepted a job being an Angel's vessel. It had torn Dean to shreds, his brother was the only family he had and he was gone too.

You've known him for almost a full year, you've got very close to him and him to you. You admire his personality, you love being in his presence. You still can't figure out what is wrong with him, he seems completely normal to you... but then again, you are pretty normal too.

"Your turn!" He licked his lips and stares at the boardgame with fascination. You played your turn then watched him do his.

"So... when are we going to have another escape to the cellar?" He asked and you widened your eyes.


"Don't pretend like you didn't love it Erin. I heard you, you were dying inside," He chuckled and winked at you, making you rubs your sweaty hands.

Yes, you and Dean did sneak out after bedtime and make love in the cellar-storage-area at two in the morning. You kept as quiet as you could though it was hard.

"I-I... We can..." You bent closer to him and whispered, "Tonight, after we escape." Dean raised an eyebrow at you with pure confusion.

"What? Is that even possible?"

"YES it is, I've thought about escaping ever since I was dumped here Dean. Come on, join me!" You said with excitement and he rubbed his neck.

"I don't know... It's risky and I like this place. We get food and facilities, I had nothing like this on my own!" He reasons, suddenly feeling less confident, "You go, I'll stay-"

"Seriously?! I thought you were a Hunter, a man of adventure and a man who wouldn't let someone else put him down," You frowned, "Come on Dean, we have to try getting out! I'm not as crazy as they think I am and neither are you."

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