'All I Heard Was Nothing' (Sam)

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🎶: 'Nothing' by The Script


You were completely drowned in rage and hatred. He continued to treat you like a child, not able to do anything for yourself. You told him to stop making decisions for you but he's a stubborn ass.

"You know I have freedom! I can do what I want!" You yelled and your opposer huffed. "You aren't experienced in this line of work! You could make another mistake like the one you made yesterday that could have killed us all!" Sam Winchester shouted back and you grabbed his collar and yanked it towards you.

"IT WAS ONE MISTAKE THAT ANYONE COULD MAKE YOU SON OF A BITCH!" You exclaimed and he grabbed your hands and pushed them off his shirt.

"Don't talk to me like that [y/l/n], you're lucky that I'm not throwing you out of here!" He stated, "I could easily do it so DON'T MAKE ME!"

You clenched your jaw and groaned in frustration. "You know I have A LOT of stress on my mind and I don't need you to make me feel more like shit!" You huffed and held your head.

"I didn't know that you'd be a jerk. Dean, I could understand but you?" You sighed, "I'm so... Disappointed in you Sam."

He looked heartbroken all of a sudden, your eyes started to tear up. "But I guess it doesn't matter to you. Only someone who really cared about me would care to consider my opinion," You said and turned to walk away.

Once you were out of the library, you ran to your room and threw yourself on the bed, sobbing into your pillow. You were drowned in sorrow and anger, you didn't want to do anything anymore.

You thought Sam loved you but you guess he doesn't.


Two weeks later...

Sam paced around the library, wondering about whether he should do it or not. Do what? Call you and talk to you finally for the first time after you packed your bags and left the Bunker.

You didn't tell him anything and he was so shocked to see no sign of you in the Bunker anymore. Dean told him about what happened then he threw a few slaps and punches across to display his anger for his little brother.

Sam took a deep breath and walked to his phone, that was sitting on the table. He dialled your number and placed it over his ear, waiting for when the beeping would turn to your voice.

Your place...

You walked out of the shower, wearing your cosy bath robe and drying your hair with your towel. You noticed that your phone was ringing and you looked at the caller ID. To your dismay, it was Sam.

You thought of leaving it alone but you just couldn't let go. You picked your phone up and answered the call. You sat on the couch and switched on speaker phone.

"H-Hello? [y/n]? Are you there?"

You hear him sigh then clear his throat.

"Who am I kidding? You probably don't even want to hear my voice. I'm surprised that you picked up my call," He sniffed a bit, "It's been two weeks since we've seen each other."

He sounded tired and heartbroken and it made you feel uncomfortable. You felt like switching the voicemail off but you wanted to hear what he had to say.

"I just want to say that I feel like crap and I hope you do. Wait, no I don't want you to feel like crap but I just-I mean that if you feel bad then that means you still care about me... If that makes sense. Gosh I'm acting like a jackass right now. What am I even saying? I'm probably wasting your time."

"I'm sorry for acting like a jerk that day and every day for that fact, and making you feel like a pile of dirt that I could just trample over. You are someone I care about and the way I acted is no way a person should act towards someone they care for. I yelled at you and said inappropriate things and I can't apologise enough. Even if I do whatever I can, if I even sell my soul..."

You shuddered at his words, hating the thought of him selling his soul.

"It wouldn't make up for the fact that I didn't treat you the way you're worthy of being treated," He sighed then paused, "I care about you more than anything I've cared about and I just... I just blew it, threw it away and I'll probably never get it back."

"I know how you are. You can't put up with douche bags like me. I'm asking for a second chance, please," He pleaded, "I know that you know that I'm not like this. I'm dedicated and I've given you some fraction of happiness if not everything. I still... I s-still love you the same way [y/n/n]."

He sighed, "All I want is that even if you decide that you just can't stand me, I'd be heart broken... But I want you to forgive me. I can't live with the fact that you'll have a grudge against me for as long as we live."

His voice got shaky, you could literally see his eyes glistening with tears.

"If giving me a second chance is asking for too much then please... Please, forgive my wrong doings," He took a deep breath, "I'm sorry [y/n]. I just... I'm sorry."

You were in tears, sniffing and wiping your eyes, but you didn't say a word.

Sam sighed and shut his eyes, "I can hear you sniffing [y/n], I know you're there. Please say something."

But nothing.

You refused to say anything, though your mind was speaking at its loudest volume.

Sam continued to wait for an answer then sighed, head hung low.

'Dialled her number and confessed to her, "I'm still in love" but all I heard was
I wanted words but all I heard was nothing'

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