Pandemic (Castiel ft. Winchesters)

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🎶: 'I Don't Wanna Live Forever' by Taylor Swift and Zayn Malik


Castiel's POV

Day 165 since I have been left alone to live on in this... It never occurred to me how large the Men of Letters Bunker is.

I hate to count the days the people I love passed away but it reminds me that everyday of life should be something cared for and enjoyed.

At least [y/n] had felt that way... I wouldn't know, I'm just an an Angel.

She told me once, "Cas, look at you. You're beautiful, you're kind and caring and all that cliché stuff. I'm... I'm going to miss your face, your eyes, your way of making me feel like I have everything I need in life."

Tears rolled down her cheeks after her kind words. I wiped them with my thumb and kissed her on her soft lips, something that had become normal between us.

I'm not a human capable of feeling and understanding exactly what this pain, this torture, this sickness would feel like. It aches me every single day but as long as I know that I was there for my... family, when they needed me at every moment necessary, I'm happy.

It was a summers day when the doctors told the Winchesters that they were carrying the disease.

People call it the 'Killjoy' which is a pretty light-weighted name to give to a disease that had made the world meet doomsday.

It's saddening to find the streets deserted, the shops empty, the roads bare of any driving cars.

Back to Dean and Sam, they were heartbroken to find out but more than themselves, [y/n] felt the heaviness of grief. She had became quite acquainted with the Winchesters after meeting them by chance on a supernatural hunt to get rid of a torturous demon that had his eyes on [y/n].

I was completely outraged to find out that someone would harm [y/n] the way the demon had done. As Dean would say, 'that demonic son of a bitch'.

Days went by, the moment that Dean and Sam would... drop to the floor approached quickly.  I was not looking forward to it at all but it was inevitable.

I prayed... every single night, tears streaming down my face as I whispered to the Lord above, hoping that the disease would pass by and the world would be saved, and that Dean, Sam and [y/n] would be saved.

They were too precious for this world, too helpful and much needed. Without them this current state the earth is in would have come up on us decades ago years.

And I sit now, at one of the tables in the Bunker while I listen to the silence around me. Even the slightest sound made the loudest of noises, the echo thundering through the entire Bunker.

I continue to think constantly about the previous missions and encounters I had the privilege to be a part of.

Saving Dean from Hell.

Being a member of the battle between Heaven and Hell.

Saving Sam's soul from Hell.

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