~ TAGGED • More About Me ~

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I was tagged by ProfessionalFwoosh. Thanks dude!! 😁 (I love these)


1) Do you have crush? Celebrity crush, yes... People at arm's length, not so much.

2) Middle name? It's different, 'Asad' (don't judge 😋)

3) Height? 5 foot 3 inches

4) Shoe size? Size 7

5) Eye colour? Brownie brown... But when the light shines on it 😍 it makes me feel good about it

6) Last time you cried? Well it was today actually. My friend told me about how she hates the ending of La La Land. I haven't watched the movie and I saw a clip of the part where the 'what if' scenario is playing. I DIDN'T KNOW IT WAS A 'WHAT IF' THING AND THOUGHT IT WAS A HAPPY ENDING BEFORE SHE TOLD ME!
I was so surprised OMFG... Mia and Sebastian are so perfect for each other GOSH FREAKING SCRIPT WRITER 😑😑

7) Biggest fear? I hate clowns, they're just creepy. I hate porcelain dolls too

8) Last song you listened to? Gorilla by Bruno Mars 🔥🔥 (THE MAN TURNS YOU ON WITH HIS VOICE GOSH I'M SO IN LOVE, I'd marry his voice LITERALLY)

9) Last person you texted? Lol, my bro on WhatsApp

10) Favourite app? On the phone, Wattpad I guess (writing is a passion 💕)

Okay lol I don't even know 20 people on this thing so here are who I'll tag:








(Majority of my friends don't have Wattpad or have it and don't use it much or have it but don't have books... Yeah, how great)

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