Blamestorming (Misha)

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There's a bustle in the household for these past few days. You've got work deadlines coming up shortly while your husband is taking over your job of being a mother.


You groaned in frustration, "What happened?!" When you got no reply, you saved the report opened up in Microsoft Word on your laptop one more time, just in case, and went towards the kitchen.

The noise continued to blare, you were close to covering your ears.

You gasped and widened your eyes, "What the hell is going on?" The kitchen had smoke all around, you coughed and squished your hand around to get the smoke from out of your front vision.

You heard Misha cough loudly, you saw him walk over to you with squinted eyes and a hand over his nose and mouth.

You walked to the oven and opened it, whatever was in there had caught fire. Misha rushed to get the fire extinguisher and he, in obvious terms, extinguished the flames.

You breathed heavily, the smoke alarm stopped after a few moments when the smoke dispersed. You shook your head in disbelief then glared at your husband, who had a hand on his head.

"What happened Misha," You stated, more than questioned and he gulped. "I honestly have no idea! I took a dish for the pasta casserole and set the timer. [y/d/n] called for me, she broke one of her toys and then the fire alarm started screaming after a few minutes," He explained, completely shocked by the event.

You looked into the oven and after wearing your mits you took out the charred dish. You turned to your husband, speechless, and showed him the dish in your hands.

"OH MY GOD Misha, this isn't supposed to be used in the oven, it's not oven friendly!" You exclaimed and dumped it into the dustbin since it's of no use anymore.

"How the hell was I supposed to know?! It was where you keep all the baking stuff," He argued, "It's not my fault!"

You eyed him with rage rising in you, "You've been doing the dishes this week, I used this over the weekend so your fault you put it there!"

He clenched his jaw, "Well they come up with new stuff all the time, non-stick this and appliance-friendly that and all that crap so how am I supposed to know that it's okay to use in the oven when I'm making a goddamn casserole?!"

You stared at him in silence then walked to him. "You use your BRAIN MISHA! LOOK AT THE MATERIAL!" You yelled and he rolled his eyes, breathing in sharply.

You slammed the oven door shut and dusted your hands, "Well looks like we need to buy a new oven-"

"What? We can clean that."

You scoffed and bent down, gesturing for him to come over. "You're going to clean that melted, ashy mess?" You challenged and he tilted his head.

"Its cleanable, we can clean it-"

"No, correction: YOU will clean it and I'm going to go back to work," You wiped your hands on the kitchen towel them walked towards your office.

"You know this is what pisses me off!"

You stopped and crossed your arms, not turning back and waiting to see what he says.

"When you're doing all this, making meals and cleaning around and taking care of the kids usually, I do my part and I try to help out as much as I can," Misha said then shook his head, "But now you don't seem to care at all and that's just being unfair."

You laughed mockingly, "Being unfair? UNFAIR?! I thought this whole 'I'll be the mom' deal was to help me out so I can finish my work and return to being the real mom of the house, so don't talk to me about unfair!"

You stared at him with disbelief. "You messed up dinner so you own up to it, I didn't make you burn the oven on purpose or use the wrong dish for it, I would never want to increase anyone's work," You said and sighed, "So stop acting like I don't care cause I do, and I can't do anything because I'm busy doing work!"

Your 4 year old daughter and 6 year old son came running to you and Misha, one hugging either of you tightly.

"Please mom don't leave dad!" Your son cried, clinging onto your clothes. You watched him with confusion and smiled softly.

"What makes you say that sweetheart?"

"You hate d-daddy and you don't like him anymore!" Your daughter shouted, her teased up face buried in her father's legs as she spoke.

"No honey, I love your father. Why would you think of something like that?" You told and your son stepped away from you as Misha walked over.

"Because you were fighting and yelling at each other..."

You frowned, you felt your heart crack due to the sadness. Were you and Misha really yelling that loud?

"Oh my two Angels, we don't hate each other!" Misha knelt and pulled his kids to him and side hugged them, "We were just fighting about that burnt oven over there. Grown ups do that sometimes but it doesn't mean we hate each other."

You nodded with a smile, "Your father and I... we love each other so much and we don't think our love would ever change. I don't think we could live without each other alright?"

Misha looked at you with a smile but the sadness glowed deep in his eyes. You felt the exact same way too.

"Now... daddy told me that one of your toys broke?"

"Yeah my Betsy doll's arms came off and her dress tore," Your daughter explained as she fidgeted with her hands.

"Alright, I'll come and help you fix her while daddy here cleans the oven," You smirked at him and he squinted at you, playfully flipping you off in his mind.

Your kids ran off to their room and before you followed them you stuck your tongue out at him. He slapped your ass in return and you looked at him with widened eyes. All he did was wink at you.

"Now you're definitely going to clean it all on your own," You laughed evily and Misha rolled his eyes, getting back to work so that he can have a back-up meal ready in time for dinner.

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