Sous-Chef (Alexander)

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Inspiration sparked by gracieanderson111. Thank you so much! 😁💕

(Btw guys requests are STILL OPEN so PM or comment if you want something read!)


"No daddy you're supposed to order first!"

"Why? I should have free food because I'm your daddy!"

"No! That's not how the game is."



"Because what?"

"Because I'm the cooker!"

Alex laughed at her pronunciation, "But I want to be a 'cooker' too!"

"But you're the food-eater!"

"The food-eater is called the 'customer'."

"Yes cusmer."

Alex smiled widely the  bent closer to her, "Cus... toh... mer."

"Cus toh mer."

"Yeah good!" He grabbed her by her arms then gave her a cosy hug, making her laugh.

Alex was busy spending the afternoon playing 'kitchen' and 'restaurant' with his four year old daughter in her play room while you were out buying some household groceries to fill in the empty cupboards in the kitchen. You and your daughter had gone to visit Alex in Toronto as he was filming for Supernatural. You stayed there for an extra two weeks before going back home.

"Now can the customer have something to eat?" He asked and your daughter grabbed a small notepad and a pencil. She stood up then walked over to her father, who was sitting cross-legged on the carpet.

"What would you like to eat sir?" She replied and Alex laughed, "The customer shouldn't laugh, the cooker is going to be sad then!"

"[y/d/n] the cooker is actually called a 'chef' in a restaurant," Alex explained and she paused, thinking for a moment.

"Sef, I'm the sef!"

"No sweetheart, 'chef' with a 'sh'," He told and chuckled. The cooking game started to turn into a grammar lesson for the young girl.

"Okay daddy! Now play the game!"

"Alright can I have some mac and cheese with a strawberry milkshake?"

"Yes daddy!" She said and scribbled something onto her notepad, then walked over to her kitchen set and put a pan on one of the stovetops. She took another bowl and pretend-poured some pasta into the pot on the stove.


You unlocked the main door and entered inside, careful about not dropping the many grocery bags in your grasp. You hastened to the kitchen counter and placed the bags on top of it, walking back to the main door and locking it.

The house was rather quiet, compared to the usual sound of the TV left on Disney channel. Though you could hear a faint sound of someone talking.

You washed your hands then took off your jacket and headed for the bedrooms. You glanced into yours but there was no on inside. You then went on to your daughter's and it was also completely empty. You reached an answer when you peeked into the play room.

You watched your daughter and partner playing at a small tea table. Your daughter watched her father eat the meal she served him. You smiled softly and entered the room slowly, to not startle them.

"Sous chef."

"Soup chef? Sorry daddy I dont know how to make soup. Maybe mommy knows!"

"No honey, sous chef is what you call the helper cook in the kitchen," Alex told and she widened her eyes in realisation.

"Does the sous chef make soup?"

"Maybe they do," He grinned and tickled her.

"What's going on here huh?" You asked then sat down on a bean bag that you pulled closer to the tea table.

"[y/d/n] is a cooker and-"

"Daddy I'm a chef!" She laughed wholeheartedly and Alex smiled.

"Oh right! I forgot about that. Anyways, she made me mac and cheese before and now I'm having a slice of chocolate cake!" He explains, then takes a pretend spoonful of cake and feeds you.

You smiled and licked your lips, "Yummy [y/d/n], you have to tell me what you made it with!"

She nodded her head and agreed then you got up and started walking towards the door.

"By the way baby, sorry to pause the game but I need your help with the real mac and cheese for [y/d/n]?" You requested and your daughter started jumping with excitement.

"Oh can I make it? Please, PLEASE?! I know how to now, daddy taught me!" She squealed and ran to you and wrapped her hands around your legs tightly.

"You can watch daddy and tell him what to put into it, how about that?" You reasoned and played with her hair as she looked up into your eyes.

She cheered on happily then ran out of the room after pulling her father up by his hand and dragging him to the kitchen. You laughed then followed your husband and daughter. You were looking forward to spending the weekend with your petite family.

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