Begrudging (Leila x Jensen)

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Requested by SweetGirlonFiree

First imagine after my conclusion, which was like 3 days ago! You guys really like my imagines 😁💕 Thank you


He sighed with frustration and you gave him a look of disbelief. "Oh don't act like I'm the only one who's the problem here!" You snapped at him and he raised his eyebrows.

"Now what?"

He scoffed a little, "Nothing... Nothing at all." Jensen stood up and started walking to the bedroom but you blocked the way, crossing your arms over your chest.

"Don't walk away now Jensen, don't give me this 'you're not worth explaining myself to'!" You exclaimed and he clenched his jaw.

"What am I supposed to do if I find your hands all over that guy?!" He yelled at you, "For God's sake you're engaged Leila! How could you?"

He looked at you with this pissing-off expression of disbelief and hurt and you were at the edge of annoyance.

You were hanging out with your best friend Lucas over the weekend for a movie then having a chat at a coffee shop while Jensen was busy sorting out a run through of the script over Skype with the rest of the Supernatural cast.

He knows Lucas, he's a great guy and Jensen didn't have any problems with you going out until he stopped by the coffee shop (you messaged him to come over when he was free) and spotted you 'hugging' Lucas and then kissing him on the cheek 'out of friendship' because you've known him for so long, you were saying goodbye.

Jensen grabbed you after saying a quick farewell to your best friend then you both went home. He didn't say a word about it, you wanted to ask him but the look he continually gave you was unsettling.

He took your hand today after lunch and sat you down at the dining table, you both sat opposite each other, and he said the five most absurd words that you could ever hear from him.

"Are you cheating on me?" He interrogated and you shook your head with complete puzzlement.

"Excuse me?!" You exclaimed, "How the hell did you conclude that?" He raised an eyebrow and did that unamused expression he does when he's fed up. 'Do I look stupid to you?' was written all over is face.

"I saw you with Lucas yesterday, you were all over him with your arms and even... your lips?!" His fists were tightened, you looked at him with the purest level of shock you've felt.

"WHAT?!" You laughed and started to get up from your seat, "You're joking Jensen, I think we should take a-"

"SIT BACK DOWN," He banged his fist on the table and shouted. Normally, that tone is such a turn on for you but right now you were just plain scared put of your senses.

Is he really serious?

He smiled sarcastically and put his hands together, "Could you care to explain why you were so physical with that guy?"

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