Chapter Nineteen: Borrowed Strength

Start from the beginning

"Ki. Baht. Sho." I slammed my hand into his chest before he could touch me. He didn't disentergrate like the last one, but it did the trick. He released his hold, and I managed to roll away. 

Dammit! I cursed as I felt my vision going blurry. 

"It's amazing how low your aurora dropped after that." he growled; his chest was still glowing, and I could tell that it wasn't healing. 

"So, how about you tell me how you're the Ruler of Hades again?" I said with a weary laughed. 

"You're going to pay for that! This was one of my favorite shirts!" he said with a twisted snarl. 

"Same. This armor has never been in such bad shape before!" I growled at him, and I didn't give him time to reply. I appeared by his side, and swung my arm backwards. The back of my fist connected with his face, and I heard a few bones crunch. 

This isn't your power to use! Ino no Taisho warned. 

It's my only hope right now. I said in an apologetic voice. 

I'll make sure you aren't repremanded. Just be careful. He warned. 

Aren't I always? I teased, but he was already gone. 

"Where did this sudden strength come from!" Enma yelled; obviously shocked. 

"You see, here's the thing. I'm really close with the Ruler of Hades, and he's not you. Before you go bragging, you should remember who you're taliking to. A dead priestess, and I just so happen to have some pretty important friends down stairs." I snarled. My hair was whipping around me, and I knew my eyes had already turned orange. 

"If we're using power that isn't ours, then I think I'll just power some of Sakura's." he laughed, and a pink aurora floated towards him. 

"Bring it. I'm interested to see who's stronger now." I smiled. 

This isn't my power, but I know how to use it. I added to myself. 

"Nayumi!" I heard Hychi yell, but I ignored him. 

"No more talking. I'm ready to fight!" Enma smiled; his power had more than doubled now, and all his wounds were healed. 

I didn't reply. I was done talking. I charged him, and he didn't have time to react. I drop kicked him, and he went flying back. I appeared behind him, and slammed my shoulder into his back. He landed on his face a few feet away from me, but I knew it wasn't over. He quickly regained his balance, and appeared behind me. I managed to mostly block his punch, but I was still sent backwards. 

Landing on my feet, I growled before charging him again. He smiled, then followed my lead. We were both faster now, and almost perfectly matched. 

We caught each other's punch, but I was expect it. I used his hold on my fist, and pushed myself off the ground. I flipped over his back, and pulled the fist I held with me. I heard a disgusting snapping sound as his shoulder popped out of place, and I felt him lose his grip on my hand. I landed gracfully behind him, and instantly swiped my leg under his. He tumbled to the ground, and I got into a hand stand position. Aiming, I brought my foot down into his ribs. 

"Agh!" he coughed, and blood spurted from his mouth. He wasn't done though. He grabbed my leg, and threw me. 

"Umph!" the air briefly left my lungs as I collided with the barrier. 

Neither of us stayed down for long. Standing up at the same time, we smiled at each other. 

This fight is getting good. I laughed to myself. I appeared behind him, but he was quick enough to block me. I could feel my body slowing but-

The sight of pink caught my attention. I looked closer, and noticed it was starting to seep from his body. 

If I can hold on longer than he can, then I can win this! I thought. 

While I was distacted, he charged me. I quickly made up for my lack of attention, and slammed my shoulder into his chest before he could do anything. I placed my left foot behind his, then added my pressure with my shoulder. The combination made him fall to his back, but he swept the leg under mine. I fell ontop of him, and was barely able to stop my lips from smashing into his. 

Way to close! I screeched in my head; my eyes widening. 

I headbutted him, and rolled to the right. I used my right hand, and pushed myself into the air. I landed on my feet a few meters away from him. 

"You're extremely skilled!" he laughed; licking his lips slightly. 

"Same for you." I said between pants. 

"Nayumi!" it was Kiyoshi who yelled this time. I looked over, and saw the panic on everyones face. Sesshomaru's features were calm, but his eyes read a different story. 

He's worried? I wondered. 

"Never look away!" Enma was in front of me, and I didn't have time to block his kick. 

Two broken ribs. I analyzed as I landed on my back. I threw my legs up, and rolled over. I landed in a crouching position, my nails digged into the dirt to stop my feet from sliding any further. I burst off the ground at a speed that even shocked me. In under a second, I was slamming into Enma. The shock on his face was worth the pain of my leg muscles ripping. 

I can't do this much longer. I'll destroy Jade's body! I cursed. I hit Enma so hard, that we slammed into the barrier. I crack ran up the side, but I wasn't worried about it. I stepped back, and round house kicked him in the side. He flew side ways, but then he disappeared. 


Hey guys! Two chapters in one day! I hope you enjoy this! Fighting scenes are my strongest point, but I think this one turned out really good! Let me know what you thnk about it! Also, I want to know who you think will win! Don't forget to vote, comment, and share! Thanks for reading! I'll be updating again really soon! 

Keep reading! :)

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