Chapter Eleven: Staff of Hate

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        "Unlike you two, Kiyoshi and I have to eat." Jade whined; they hadn't had anything to eat in two days and she was hungry.

"I know this." Sesshomaru sighed.

"Sorry my human-ness is such a pain." Jade snapped.

"Would you watch you tongue sometimes!" Sesshomaru snapped back.

"You are like three seconds away from being stabbed, and it's only been a week!" Jade said; closing her eyes in frustration.

"Could say the same thing." Sesshomaru muttered under his breath.

"What was that?" Jade snapped.

"Nothing." he snapped back.

"Watch yourself, fluffy. Hunger makes humans very mean." Jade said; narrowing her eyes at him.

"When I first met you guys, I thought you two got along." Kiyoshi said from behind Hychi.

"I did too,so don't feel bad, kid." Hychi said; fear was on both of their faces.

"I'm going to find something to eat." Jade said; fighting her way into the woods through a bush.

"Hychi, go with her." Sesshomaru sighed.

"Stay where you're at Hychi." Jade said; shooting an arrow at his feet.

"Did I do something wrong?" Hychi asked; frozen in fear.

"Nope. I just want to be alone." Jade yelled; she was already a good distance away.

"You stay with the kid then." Sesshomaru said as he pushed into the dense woods.

        "What part of alone don't you get?" Jade asked when he caught up with her.

"I don't take orders from you. Unlike Hychi, I am not afraid of you." Sesshomaru replied.

"Let's just hurry up and find food." Jade said as calmly as she could possibly manage. Nether of them said anything after that, until Jade threw a berry in her mouth.

"Those are poisoness." Sesshomaru sighed.

"Next time a little warning would be nice!" Jade snapped after she spit it out.

"I thought you could tell what was poisoness and not. Haven't you been learning from Kaede?" Sesshomaru asked.

"All she's taught me so far are healing herbs." Jade said; crossing her arms as she continued walking.

"Why are you so mad today?" Sesshomaru asked.

"I'm hungry." Jade shrugged.

"You've gone longer without eating." he countered.

"Does it matter why?" Jade snapped; she wasn't paying any attention to where she was walking anymore. 

        "AH! SESSHOMARU!!" she screamed as she stepped through trees, and off a cliff. 

"Are you happy I came along, now?" Sesshomaru smirked; holding her to his chest as he flew back up to solid ground.

"Maybe just a little." she mumbled; her whole body shaking.

"Come on. If you can wait, there should be a village in the direction we're going." Sesshomaru said.

"Okay." Jade said; stumbling over things as she followed him.

        "What's wrong! I heard you scream!" Hychi exclaimed; running towards them with Kiyoshi on his back.

"I'm just clumsy." Jade said; forcing a smile and laugh.

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