Chapter 49

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Luke and I had visited Mum for a few days before going back to his flat. I loved Mum, but Luke's flat was like a safe haven. I loved it there.

"Guess what's coming up?" Luke asked.

We were laying on the couch, my head on his chest.

"What?" I asked, rolling my eyes.

"Come on, you know exactly what I'm talking about. Your birthday." He said, and kissed the top of my head.

"I don't want to be twenty. That's a big thing. I don't like it." I replied.

"Come on, it's fine. Look at me, I've got this awesome flat, a job, oh, and a beautiful girlfriend." He replied.

"Yeah, I have a beautiful girlfriend too." I said jokingly.

He gave me a small chuckle, and playfully punched my arm.

"We're going to celebrate, if you want." He said after a moment.

I looked up at him. "Do you think I want to?" I asked sarcastically.

He sighed. "Guess not. I don't know though, we might anyways."

"Shut up. I don't want to. I'm perfectly fine just like this." I said.

He shrugged, and gave me a smirk.


A couple days later, I was walking the beach alone. Luke had gone to work, and I didn't want to stay at home.

As I was walking, I noticed storm clouds in the distance. I didn't know why, but I had always loved rain. I ran up to the cave, and sat just outside of it, watching the clouds gather and change shapes as they moved closer to me. I could see tiny droplets impact the ocean far away, and I waited patiently before they did the same to the sand. Once they did, I moved into the cave, and checked my phone.

A text from Luke read, "Gonna be late. I will try to see if ash can come."

"I'll be alright. It's going to rain :)" I sent back. He knew how much I loved rain.

"Have fun. I love you" he replied, ending the conversation.

Soon after, rain started pouring down. I backed into the fave more as the wind picked up, causing the rain to hit the cave walls. I looked out and saw the sand turn to mud as each droplet smashed into it. As the rain got stronger, I decided it was time to leave. I was wearing one of Luke's jackets, so I threw he hood over my head and started running down the coast, trying not to get too wet.

"Shit." I said to myself, realizing that no one was coming to get me.

Ashton wouldn't answer, and neither would Cal or Mikey. I sighed deeply, and began walking home in the rain. It wasn't too long of a walk, but it was long enough that I would be drenched by the time I got there.

It was getting dark, so I picked up my pace. I was about a block away from the flat, when I heard someone's feet hit the ground behind me.

I didn't turn around, I only walked faster. It was dark, and I didn't want to get into something I couldn't get out of. As I sped up, so did he nameless person behind me. I waited a moment, then looked behind me. I didn't see much before I was thrown against the wall of the complex next to ours. I tried to yell as my back hit the brick, but a large hand covered my mouth.

"Shut up." He said. I only tried to scream louder.

"Shut up and calm down, dammit." He whispered, his hand clamping my mouth harder. I did what he said.

The man looked around us for a few seconds before his mouth connected with mine. I resisted his, but it didn't matter. I tried kicking him off me, but nothing worked. After a few moments of struggle, I finally was able to loosen his grip on me. His hand came down on the brick next to me, and I slipped under them. Before he could grab me again, I ran as fast as I could in any direction I could go. I ran around the block three times, before finally running back to flat. Tear were streaming down my face.

I checked my pockets for my key. It wasn't there, and neither was my phone.

"Fuck." I whispered to myself.

I banged on the door, sobbing. There was no answer, so I assumed Luke was with the boys, which meant I had no one. I slid my back against the door, and sat down. I was sobbing, hard. I hadn't been down for more then a minute before I was grabbed again.

"Didn't think you'd get away that easy, did you?" He whispered. It was the same raspy voice as before.

"HELP! LET ME GO!" I screamed as loud as I could.

His hand came down on my mouth again. This time he unbuttoned my jeans right away. I pushed his hand away, which only responded in him slapping me, which made me cry harder.

I heard a car approach the lot, and I opened my eyes. It was Luke. He looked out his window, and made eye contact with me. His eyes widened, and he opened the door as fast as he could, jumping out of the car. He sprinted over to us, and pushed the guy away from me, and onto the ground. Instead of letting him run away, he climbed on top of him and hit him. Over and over again, his fist impacted the man's face. I backed into the door, crying harder than I was before. I stayed silent, and tried to make myself as small as possible.

"Luke..." I whispered after a while.

He looked up at me, and climbed off the guy. As soon as he did, he got up and ran. His face was covered in blood, but he managed. Luke's arms reached for me, and he embraced me in a hug, kissing my forehead over and over. His hands went to my hair, and his read rested on my shoulder. We didn't move for the longest time.

"Are..are you o-okay?" He managed through his sobs.

I replied by burying my head into his chest even more. He knew I wasn't.

Without letting go of me, he fumbled for his keys, and unlocked the door. He picked me up, and carried me as fast as he could to our room. He laid me on the bed, and called the police.

"No, no no this guy was harassing my girlfriend. No, no I didn't see him. I don't know. Just-just find him!" He said repeatedly.

I laid still, and sobbed silently until he got off the phone. When he did, he turned back to me, scanning my body for anything. He saw that my jeans were unbuttoned, and his eyes widened.

"He didn't...." He managed, not moving an inch.

I shook my head. "Almost...." I replied.

He laid beside me, kissing my forehead again and again.

"What the fuck. Why does this happen? Why you?" He asked, more to himself than anything.

"It's over." I replied, to which he wrapped his arms around me.

"It's never over." He whispered. "You'll probably start cutting again, maybe I will, I don't know. It's. Never. Over."

I looked at him. "Luke..." I whispered back.

He shook his head. "Let's think of a good memory. A really good memory of us."

"Okay, what about the day we first kissed. That was one of my favorite days." I replied.

He closed his eyes, reminiscing. "Yeah. I remember." He said.

I kissed him while his eyes were still closed, making him open them.

"I love you. This will never happen again, I promise. I'll quit my job, anything." He said.

"You have to have a life." I replied.

"And I won't if shit like this keeps happening." He said, which made me tear up.

"Luke I love you." I blurted out.

"I love you too." He replied, and kissed the top of my head.

He took a deep breath, then said, "Which is why I don't think you can be with me."

All Black Everything // Luke HemmingsWhere stories live. Discover now