Chapter 21

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I knocked on the door, anxious for someone to answer it. The door flew open almost instantly.

"Ana...I-I've been waiting for you all week. Oh my god." Mum embraced me in a hug, her eyes full of tears.

"Let go, Mum." I snapped and she moved away from me looking hurt.

"Ana, let me explain." She said, and I nodded for her to continue.

She breathed deeply, and began, "I used alcohol as a replacement for your father, when he left us. I'm glad I eventually realized I didn't have to. A couple of days ago, I got a message on Facebook. It was your father..."

My eyes widened, and tears came to my eyes.

"He said he made a mistake, and that he wanted to see us. He told me he was going to find us..."

All I could do was gasp, and grab onto her and hug her tight. Tears were streaming down my face now.

"Okay, okay. We're going to delete your Facebook. Then we're going to change both of our cell phone numbers, and the house number. Did you say anything about where we were moving to on Facebook?" I asked, my hands on her shoulders.

"No, but he knows we did. He went to the house and we weren't there and..." She started to cry again.

"It's okay, Mum. He won't find us, ever. Let's go inside, okay?" I said to her.

Luke, who was sitting in the car waiting, got out. He gave mum a small smile when he approached us, and he took my hand. The three of us went inside together. We deleted Mum's Facebook, and both of us filed for a new number.

"That's it, that's everything." Mum said through tears. She was smiling now.

"I'm sorry, I probably shouldn't have followed you two in." Luke said. I looked up at him.

"Don't be silly, love. You and Ana are inseparable, I'm sure you know about this anyways." She replied, and he nodded.

"I do. I know it must be hard. I'm so sorry." He said, looking down at me.

"He's gone now, we'll be safe I promise." I reassured him. He nodded.

"I'm making dinner, why don't you two stay for it?" Mum asked after a second silence.

I looked up at Luke, and he gave me a subtle nod.

"We'd love too, Ms. Holloway." He said, and smiled wide.

"Oh please dear, call me Lottie." she said to him with a giggle, then went into the kitchen.

Luke and I made our way up to my room. My bathroom door was open, and the mess I made still remained. I was glad Mum didn't see it. She still didn't know. I went to shut the door, but Luke had already seen it.

"Luke...I'm sorry...I didn't know-" He shut me up by kissing me.

"It's okay, it isn't your fault." He said afterwards.

"I'm going to go clean it up. I'd rather do it alone." I said. He nodded, and let go of my hand.

I locked myself in the bathroom and began to clean up the mess. I was sort of crying, remembering that night. I looked down at my wrist. It still had cuts that were healing. The others were scarring. I found the scissors , and cleaned them off. I decided to just throw them away. After I washed my hands off, I looked back in the trash can, at the scissor. I slowly picked them up, and studied them for a moment.

I sat back against the wall and held them to my chest. I started to cry silently, and cut small slits in my other wrist. I heard a knock at the door.

"Ana, is everything alright?" Luke said from the other side.

I sniffled softly and said, "Yeah. Yeah, no everything's okay."

I made a few more cuts but Luke already go the door open. His eyes widened at the sight of my wrist. He didn't say a word. He just sat next to me, pulled his knees up to his chest, and put his head in his arms.

"Luke..." I said, touching his shoulder.

"No, no no no. Not fucking again!" He yelled, and pounded his fist on the tile.

I removed my hand from his shoulder, and he looked up at me.

"Luke, please. I hate to admit it, but it's an escape. A lot has happened the past week. I needed an escape."

"No, no Ana no. I can't let the happen anymore god dammit I'm supposed to be helping you!" He said, and out his head down again.

"I needed an escape....I'm, I'm sorry."

"Ana, I love you." He said, and lifted his head up again. "Let me be your escape."

I nodded, and he kissed me softly. His thumb was making circles in my hand.

"I want to show you something." I said, and took his hand.

I led him down the hall and to he little door leading to the attic. I opened it, and ran up the tight hallway. Luke followed. I turned on the fairy lights I hung from the ceiling, and lit a couple candles for light.

"Wow, this is..." Is all he could say.

I came over to him and rested my head on his chest. He put an arm around me, and we walked over to my make shift bed that had been here since we moved. We lay looking at each other for a long time. Eventually, started kissing a line down my face. From my forehead, to my nose, to my lips, and the my jaw. He was softly sucking my neck. I let out a tiny moan every once in a while. Luke liked when I did.

I flipped over, so now I got to kiss him. I started leaving small kisses down his neck the way he did to me. His breath started to get heavier. His hand was going up and down my arm as I kissed him, his other hand was running through my hair. I took of his shirt and quickly, our lips molded together again. My hands were traveling up and down his chest. He looked up at me for approval, and I nodded. He slowly slipped my shirt over my head.

After a few moments he said, "God you're beautiful."

I blushed, and he flipped us over again. He started to kiss my collarbone, and down right above where my bra started. Every time his lips made contact with my skin, I felt a tiny shiver. He kissed my stomach, and my neck, and my collarbone, all while making eye contact with me. He looked so amazing then. His bright blue eyes staring up at me.

He then kissed the button of my jeans, looking for approval to remove them. I nodded slowly, and he unbuttoned them. He slid them off my legs, and looked at me for what seemed like ages. He could see every scar on my body now. I had them on my arms, stomach, and legs.

"I know I said I wouldn't kiss your scars, but..." He said, and he kissed up and down my arms.

The feeling in the pit of my stomach made me want more, although I knew it wasn't right. I brought him back up to me, and kissed his lips.

"Are you sure?" He said.

I shook my head. I knew I didn't want to, but I knew I didn't want to stop.

He nodded, but continued to kiss me.

"Luke..." I whispered.

His lips hovered above mine. I just turned my head to the side. He backed away slightly, then lay beside me, looking at me.

"I'm sorry." I whispered.

"Don't be." He replied, laying beside me, slipping his shirt back over his head.

"I know you could be angry. I mean, I. Sure you're not used to anyone saying no to you." I said.

He smiled. "Don't worry. I'm not mad."



btw I know this chapter ended at a weird place but that's only because I was getting long so it continues into the next chapter don't worry :)


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