Chapter 1

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Warning: There is some suicidal things, and depressing things in here, so if you are easily triggered, please don't read this! There is also very very mild sexual activity, just so you're aware.

Have fun reading xx

**Ana's POV**

I'll admit, I'm definitely not the girl anyone would want to generally interact with. I don't like to talk, and I don't really like most people. And this isn't all my fault, let's face it...most people don't want to talk to a girl wearing all black everything and listening to music more than actually socializing. And all of this especially plays a part when you're the new girl at a huge college in a place you've never heard of because your mum got a job transfer.

We lived in Brighton, which I loved, until my mum got a phone call from her stupid work telling her that people were needed in a different hospital in Wales. My mum almost said no, only they offered her a huge raise that couldn't have been turned down, so we packed our bags and left in six months. It was just my mum and me. I was the only child, and my dad was gone. we lived a simple life, I really liked the privacy in Brighton. we had a moderately normal sized house with a cute little backyard full of shade and plants, and a tiny pond on one end. my room had a balcony, so whenever I was pissed off or needed to escape the world (which was often) I would go out there and sit, or jump off into the yard and just read a book or pace in circles to refresh my mind. but now we are moving to Wales, and I have no idea what the house will look like or the backyard or how much privacy I will have. I thought of all this while taking a final look at my little room in Brighton, all the boxes stacked by the door with nothing left but my lilac colored walls.

"Ana! The movers are here we have to hurry! Could you please help and take some boxes down by the front door?" I heard my mum yell from the floor below me. I took a deep breath, and took the box on top of the enormous pile and hauled it downstairs. I did this with every box until my room was completely empty.

"That's everything. where are the movers?" I asked my mum, wiping some sweat off of my forehead. wearing black jeans and a sweater on a summer day doesn't help much.

"They're getting some that were in the basement. Are you alright?" My mum always asked me if I was okay. I wasn't, but I just said,

"Yeah, I'm okay" and watched the movers take our sofa into a truck.

once he movers were all done, they left on a twenty four hour journey to our new house in Wales. we would board a plane and meet them there tomorrow. I went back upstairs into my room, and went to the tiny bathroom attached to it, and looked in the mirror. I was not very tall, but I wasn't short either, for being nineteen years old. I had dark brown hairs going halfway down my back. I was too skinny for my age, and height. My eyes were big and almond shaped, but my lips were somewhat thin. to anyone else, I looked quite attractive. Not to me. I had winged eyeliner and foundation on, along with blush, bronzer, and a little bit of a nude lipstick from MAC. I looked down. I was wearing a pair of black jeans with rips up the front, a gray crew neck advertising my favorite band, The 1975, and all black converse. I liked my style, but that's about the only thing I like about me. I rolled up one of the sleeves on my sweater to reveal a bunch of tiny scars from where I had harmed myself. it had been a week since I cut last, and I was hoping to go longer. I closed my eyes, and quickly rolled up my sleeve. a took a deep breath and lifted my head up. I walked out of my bathroom and back downstairs to my mother, who was waiting for me by the door.

"Ready to go? What were you doing up there love?" my mum asked me, with all of out overnight backs by her foot.

"Oh..Uhm I was just making sure I didn't miss anything...I didn't." I grabbed my arm, making sure I sleeve was rolled down, and gave her a tiny smile.

"Let's go then, the hotel is an hour away and we have to be at the airport by eleven tomorrow." She motioned towards the bags, and I rushed down to grab one.

we loaded our bags into the car and started on our way towards the hotel. I made sure I had my phone in my pocket, I took it out and plugged in my earbuds so I could listen to music. I started playing "She Way Out" by The 1975 and rested my head against the window. as the song blasted, I thought about my new life in Wales. Would it really be that bad? I answered myself with a definite yes, and fell asleep.

All Black Everything // Luke HemmingsWhere stories live. Discover now