Chapter 34

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Luke woke me up around four.

"Ana?" He whispered, tapping my shoulder lightly.

I rolled over to face him. "Yes?"

"My wrist hurts." He said.

I got out of bed and went into my bathroom, where I kept an extra bottle of pain killers. I got one, and brought it to him with a glass of water. He took the pill, and I laid back down.

"How do you do it?" He whispered.

"Do what?" I asked in return.

"Deal with the pain." He said, "this hurts enough, but I mean, I bet it's not nearly as bad as what you've dealt with..."

I thought for a moment. "After a while, it's not really pain anymore." I said.

"What is it?" He asked.

I waited a second, then said, "More pleasure than anything."

"Oh." He replied. "That's...sad..."

"Yeah..." I said, and we both drifted off to sleep again.


I woke up again around eight, so I watched Netflix for a while.

"Morning, beautiful." Luke said, tired.

"How are you doing?" I asked.

"Much better, thank you." He said, and kissed my forehead.

We stayed in bed for a while, just watching TV, until mum called us down for breakfast.

"Morning, mum." I said when we got into the kitchen.

"Hello, love." She replied. "Sleep well?"

"Yes, thank you." Luke said, and we sat at the table.

We ate breakfast, talking about random things that didn't really matter at all.

"Oh, god I forgot I have to work today..." Luke said, standing up.

"That's fine. You go, and after work we can go back to your flat or something." I said.

"You sure?" He asked.

"Yeah, it's fine." I said

He nodded, and went upstairs to get dressed. When mum knew he was gone, she said,

"So, you and Luke are doing pretty well, yeah?"

"Yeah, fine." I said. "Why?"

"Oh you, just because you're almost twenty, and you're obviously mature enough to date people and you know, engage in-" I cut her off.

"Mom!" I said, and leaned in closer to her. "Luke and I are know!" I sort of whispered.

"Okay, okay. I just know that you two have been dating for a while and-" I gave her a look, and she stopped.

"Look, Luke and I both have the same, morals, I guess." I said. I wasn't religious or anything, but we both knew what we wanted.

"Okay, alright. Just know that if you are, it's totally okay."

"Mom! We're not, okay?" I said.

Right after that, I turned and saw Luke leaning against the doorway. He was smirking.

"I'm going to go now. See you later?" He said with his arms cross, and his little smirk spread across his face.

I rolled my eyes, but smiled. "Okay. See you." I said.

He walked away, and I knew he was smiling, although I couldn't see.

"....oops." Mum said with a smirk.

I rolled my eyes, and went upstairs. I got my phone and texted Luke.

"How long were you standing there?" I asked.

"Long enough :)" he texted back.

"You're such an ass." I texted back.

"Well this ass is going to get in an accident if you don't stop texting me." He replied, I smiled.

"Whatever. See you later. xx" I texted back, and that ended the conversation.

I got dressed, and put on my makeup a little while later. I decided to wear a pair of black skinny jeans, and a gray crew neck jumper advertising The 1975. I wore my all black converse, because those are the shoes I almost always wear, and all I did for my makeup was eyeliner and mascara, despite the fact that I looked like a zombie without foundation.

Mum came into my room a little later. "Hey, sorry about earlier." She said.

"It's cool. Luke doesn't care, he just likes to pretend he does." I said, and smiled.

"Luke doesn't seem like the type of person to really care." She said, and sat on the edge of my bed.

"Yeah, he's alright." I said.

"I want you to know that, I really like Luke. He's like a son to me, and if he makes you happy, then whatever you two want to do is fine with me." She said.

"I get it, but yeah no. We just aren't going to." I said.

"Okay. I mean, I prefer it that way." She said with a small giggle. "I also wanted to remind you that Don's court date is in a week."

I looked at the ground. "Oh, yeah. I uhm, I know what I'm going to say."

"okay, alright. Is Luke going to speak?" She asked.

"Absolutely." I replied. "He wants him to rot in jail, so he will do anything to get him there."

"He's a good kid." Mum said, and left.


Luke came back around three, and we went back to his flat.

When I got in the car, he said, "Hello, love."

"Hi." I said, and he kissed me on the cheek.

After a few minutes of silence, he said, "So, this morning was, nice."

"Oh, yeah. Lovely." I said, and rolled my eyes, but I smile a little.

He giggled. "Come on, it's no big deal."

"Oh shut up, yes it is. My mother was asking me about sex and you were right there!" I said.

"So?" He asked, and giggled again.

"So, it was embarrassing and stupid." I replied.

"Come on, Ana. You're mum just wanted to know. I don't blame her." He said. "I don't really seem like the virgin type guy, you know? I look kind of like a criminal."

I laughed. "No you don't. If you do, then I do." I said.

"True, true. But anyways, it doesn't matter. Your mum still likes me, you still like me. Who cares whether or not we've had sex?" He said.

"Shut up and drive. Wouldn't want to get in a wreck." I mocked, and he laughed, but kept driving.

All Black Everything // Luke HemmingsWhere stories live. Discover now