Chapter 14

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It was Tess's last day, so we spent it watching movies, and looking at stupid pictures and videos we took when we were young.

Tess had to leave at five, so he started to pack up all of her things.

"I'm really going to miss you." She said while packing her bag.

I frowned. "Can you just stay? I have no friends here. It sucks."

"I wish! It's okay, we can text all the time I promise." She replied, and we continued to clean up my room.

I was four thirty when we said our goodbyes. I gave Tess an enormous hug, and she left. Mum hadn't been home all day for something at work so I was shocked when I saw her stumble through the front door at midnight.

"Mum! Are you okay?" I said. She looked like she would be sick.

"Yeah, yeah no I'm really...really great." And she slumped onto the couch.

"Oh my god you've been drinking!" I yelled at her. "How could you?"

I ran up the stairs before she got the chance to say anything. I grabbed a pair of scissors from my desk drawer and ran into my bathroom. Through sobs, I started cutting the skin on my wrist. Over and over again, I let all my anger out on myself.

I sat there sobbing, my blood dripping on the floor. I threw the scissors across the tile, and ran out of my room. I ran out the front door as fast as I could, and took the car. Luke told me the address to his flat once and I remembered it, so I drove there as fast as the car could take me. I ran up three floors and down a long hall until I got to his room number. I knew it was late so I banged on the door as loud as I could.

When he answered his eyes widened at the sight of my blood covered shirt, and wrist.

"I-I-I..." Is all I could say through my sobs.

He didn't say anything, he just let me in as fast as he could. I sat on the couch, and he ran to a closet in the hallway. He got medical tape, and medical wrap, and painkillers. He carefully, but quickly wrapped my arm, and gave the painkillers to me. He then put me on his lap and held me as close as he could, and rocked me me back and forth while I cried. We stayed this way for a long time.

"I'm s-sorry..." I cried.

"Shh, it's okay. you're here now. You're safe." He said. He was close to tears, or he already was crying. I couldn't really tell.

We stayed silent for a long time, until I calmed down.

When I finally did, he asked me, "Are you going to be okay?"

I sniffled, and said "I don't know..."

"Want to talk about it...?" He asked.

I sighed softly. "Mum...Mum had been drinking..and she was sober and..."

He nodded, and kissed my forehead, but kept his face pressed to my skin. We sat in silence again for another hour.

"Do you want to sleep? I can bring out some blankets and pillows for you..." He said to me.

"Can I...can I sleep in your room?" I asked him softly.

He nodded, and picked me. When we got to his room, and carefully set me on one side of the bed. I laid there almost lifeless.

"I'm going to get you one of my shirts to wear, so you can be comfortable." He said, and I nodded.

He came back a second later with a dark gray v-neck tee shirt. I asked him to turn around, and I changed into it. It smelled like him. Once I was done, I climbed under the covers and he followed me. He put an arm around me and I layer my head on his bare chest. He kissed the top of my head.

"Everything is okay now." He said again.

I nodded softly.

His legs intertwined with mine, and we lay awake for a while.

"W-What did you use...I thought we got rid of all of them?" He asked me. We really was crying this time.

"Scissors. I would've broken my mirror just to use something." I said to him. A tear rolled off his cheek.

He tilted my head so I was facing him, and me kissed me. "I love you." He whispered.

He had never said that to me before.

"I love you too." I said back, and I felt him smile.

We fell sleep for a long time after.

All Black Everything // Luke HemmingsWhere stories live. Discover now