Chapter 32

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When Luke and I got back to my house, we went into the attic with my camera and my laptop.

"Okay. Teach me how you do all this editing stuff." Luke said when we laid down on the blankets, and it opened my laptop.

"Why so you want to know?" I asked.

"Because it's cool. I like it." He said. I smiled.

I started to convert the pictures and video from my camera onto my laptop. Once it was completed, I opened my editor, and started to edit the pictures I took.

"No, no. Keep it like that, I like it better that way." Luke said, when I tried to make it black and white.

I shrugged, but I kept it the way it was.

When I was done, I said, "so that's pretty much how you do it. What do you think?"

"I think you're insanely amazing at this." He said, and kissed me. I smiled, again.

We edited a few more, and I let Luke do some of it, and we were done.

"That's hard, how'd you learn all that?" He asked.

"I taught myself." I said with a smirk.

"Damn, Ana there's no way anyone could learn all that by themselves!" He exclaimed.

"I'm just really really intelligent." I said, and giggled.

He giggled back. He stayed silent for a minute before saying, "god, I love you."

I smiled, and blushed. "I love you too." I said, and he kissed me again.

We listened to music, and watched Netflix for a while before Mum called us down for dinner. We ate homemade pizza, and afterward the three of us decided to watch more TV.

When it was getting late, Mum said, "Alright. You two better get back now."

"Mum, no. We are going to stay here tonight. You pushed us out the door yesterday, we want to stay."

Luke shrugged, and Mum rolled her eyes. "You two don't have to baby me."

"We aren't trying to, Ms. Holloway. We just like it here." Luke added.

"Well that's sweet, really love, but it's okay." Mum replied.

"Mum, come on. We don't want to leave. Please?" I said.

She sighed. "I guess I can't really stop you, now can I?"

Luke and I smiled. "Thank you." Luke mouthed, and we continued watching TV.

At around eleven, we decided to go to bed, or mum decided for us, rather. We went into my room, and mum went to bed.

"I'm going to take a shower." I said to Luke. He nodded, and I went into my bathroom.

Although I put on an act, I was still terrified my dad would come back, somehow. His court date was in a week, and I didn't know what to say. I knew I would tell them the truth, though. He deserved to be in jail. I didn't care if he got sentenced to death, he deserved it.

Maybe I deserve what he did to me. I thought. I thought like this too much, but I couldn't really help it. I couldn't find a reason why he would do it, other than the fact that he was drunk or high all the time, and I was there. I shook the thought out of my head, and got in the shower.

You did deserve it. Everything he did to you. You're worthless. I thought, again. I knew I wasn't thinking correctly, but it didn't matter because that's what I believed. My eyes teared up.

How am I supposed to go on? I thought. I felt completely alone, with someone in the next room waiting for me. No one wanted me. I didn't even want myself.

I started searching frantically for anything to cut with. The only thing I could find was my razor. I took out the tiny, sharp edges and used one. I cut at my skin multiple times before there was a knock at the door.

"Ana, you okay?" Luke said.

"Yeah. I'm good." I said, making sure I sounded normal.

I didn't hear anything after that, so I kept on cutting. Before long, my arm was cut up halfway to my elbow. Another knock...

"Is something wrong?" Luke said.

"No, I'm okay." I said, turning off the water and wrapping a towel around me. I let out a tiny sob but he didn't hear.

I cleaned off my wrist, and threw away my razor. When I came out of the bathroom, Luke was on the bed.

"Oh good. Can I take a shower now?" He asked.

I nodded, and tried to walk past him as he moved to the bathroom but he grabbed my clean wrist. I looked at the ground. He slowly grabbed the wrist I had cut on, and stared at it for a long time. He didn't say anything, but I knew he was crying.

"It's not your fault." I said after a long time.

He didn't say anything, he just slowly let go of me and went into the bathroom, sure to lock the door behind him. I stood in the same spot, crying for a while.

When I finally went to the door, I knocked and said, "Luke please come out I would like to talk."

I didn't get an answer. "Luke, please." I said again. He didn't give me an answer, so I grabbed a bobby pin and opened the door.

Luke was sitting on the floor with my razor held to his wrist, sobbing. I quickly sat
next to him, and put my arms around him, sobbing. He dropped the razor on the ground and cried too.

This is my fault.


The past few chapters were basically just like fillers but this one got intense omg.


also I'm thinking of making a Michael fanfic but idk what the plot should be so pls help im struggling with this ok.

also I've told people this before, don't read this if its triggering. I know how that feels and I rly don't want anyone to feel that, so PLEASE don't read further if this bothered you.


All Black Everything // Luke HemmingsDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora