Chapter 29

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The doorbell rang a few hours later. Luke answered it while I was getting ready.

"Mum!" I said when I came into the living room. She embraced me in a hug.

"Oh my god Ana are you okay? Are you hurt? I...the police said you-" I cut her off.

"I'm fine!" I said with a very fake smile. "I'm just glad he's gone."

"Well, his court date is set and we have to be there to speak against him. You don't have to, but it would be helpful. You too Luke." She said facing him. He was leaning against the wall with his arms crossed. He wanted to let us talk for a little while.

"Oh, well okay. I suppose I could." He said, and walked over to us.

"I will too. I want him to rot in prison, and if I can help, I will."

Mum smiled at us, and we all sat on the couch and talked for a while. Luke didn't say very much. Mum wanted to stay with us the entire day, but she had to leave for an important work meeting, so after a few hours Luke and I were alone again.

"Luke, what's wrong?" I asked. He seemed so distant from us.

"Nothing. I'm okay." He said. He didn't smile, or show any sign that he was okay.

"No you're not. What's going on?" I asked again.

He took a deep breath. "I know you're not fine. You can't go through something like that and say you're fine two days later. Why don't you just tell me the truth?"

I stayed silent for a minute. "Okay. I'm certainly not okay. I just saw my dad, who I haven't seen in four years and I thought I would never see again, and my boyfriend had to see me be harassed by him and call the police and nurse me so that my arm doesn't go numb every time I get up, and my mum had to hear from the police that my dad was here and not from me or from you , and Ashton hasn't even called probably because you haven't told him so excuse me of I'm not okay!" I raised my voice.

His eyes softened. Before he could say anything, I stormed into his room and locked the door. I just sat against the wall and cried. I didn't want to go off on him like that. I didn't know why I did. I shouldn't have said anything about Ashton, or the fact that he wasn't the one to tell mum because that's not his fault.

"Ana please let me in. I would like to talk, if it's okay." He knocked on the door.

I stayed silent for a while before letting him come in. He stood in silence.

"I didn't mean it like that..." He said after a while.

I nodded. I knew he didn't.

"I'm sorry." He added. "I'll call Ashton and the rest of the boys if you want me to." He looked let down, like I was choosing them over him.

"No, um can we just be alone for today? Call them tomorrow." I said. I waited a moment. "I shouldn't have mentioned him. I'm sorry I yelled at you, none of it was your fault. I'm glad you were there."

He nodded softly. "I'm sorry I've been so distant. The entire thing just threw me off. It scared me, opened my eyes."

I nodded, this time. He moved up to me slowly, and cupped my face in his hands, and kissed me.

"Nothing like this will ever happen to you again." He whispered, leaning his forehead on mine.

I gave him a small smile, and he smiled back.


The next day, Luke called Ash. He came over almost instantly.

"Ana, oh my god." He said when he saw me. "I didn't know. I would've driven you...I-" I stopped him.

"I'm okay." I replied. "It wasn't your fault."

He pulled me into a hug that lasted only a few moments because Luke was right there and Ashton didn't want him to get the wrong idea. Later on, He called Cal, Chloe and Michael.

Calum and Chloe showed up. "Ana! Jesus Christ are you alright?" Calum exclaimed when he saw me.

I giggled softly. "Yeah, I'm doing okay." I looked at Luke, who was sitting by Ash on the couch.

"Heard your phone broke?" Chloe asked and I nodded. "Got you new one. I though you needed something good to happen to you." She smiled at me, and handed me the small box.

"Chloe you didn't have to!" I said with a small smile.

"It was no big deal. And you can't give it back, I'm forcing you to take it." She smiled. The word forcing wasn't my word of choice, but I just smiled back and we all sat on the couch.

When Michael got here, he said, "Hey guys. Ana, how you holding up?" And he hugged me.

"I'll live." I said, and we all sat in the living room and watched TV for a while.

"Ashton, Mum is trying to get as many people to speak at his court date as she can. I was at your flat beforehand, do you want to?" I asked when I thought of it.

"Of course! The bastard needs to be locked up!" He said, and I smiled.

Chloe gave me a look like you were at his flat? And I just gave her a leave me alone look.

All four of them decided to stay the night. We ordered a couple pizzas, and watched TV almost all night. I almost forgot about what happened, but it was always replaying in the back of my mind. I knew I wouldn't ever be able to completely recover from it, but it was nights like those that would help me to forget for even a few moments.

Luke had to give me painkillers every six hours or so. It got to a point where I just decided to go to sleep instead of taking more medicine. Everyone else did too. Luke and I took the couch, while everyone else slept on the floor, except for Michael, who had to practically fight Ashton for the love seat. He was way to big for it, but I guess he just wanted to win.

I never really fell asleep. I just lay in the dark and thought of the night over and over again. It wouldn't get out of my head, and I knew I couldn't help that. I just kept reliving my worst nightmare.

The thing is, it isn't a nightmare after it's already happened to you. It's just a reality.

All Black Everything // Luke HemmingsWhere stories live. Discover now