Chapter 46

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"We should really go somewhere nice to eat." Luke said when we were both home.

"I'm fine with staying here." I replied.

He sat next to me on the couch. "No, really. We never leave this place. I want to take you somewhere really nice. Last time we went out, you had to smash a window."

I remembered the day I met the boys at the small pub. I didn't really want to think about it.

"Luke, it's fine. I don't have anything nice to wear anyways." I said again.

"Come on, An. I love you, and you can wear whatever you want. We never leave, I want to go somewhere and show off my beautiful girlfriend." He said, and kissed me.

I bit my lip softly. "Fine." I said, and sighed. "Let's just go, okay?"

He smiled wide, and stood up, holding a hand out to me. I took it, and he pulled me into his chest.

"I love you." He repeated, and kissed my forehead.

Luke and I got ready to go out. He wore a light blue button down, and a pair of black skinny jeans, because that's all he has, really.

"You look handsome." I said, standing on my toes to kiss him.

He shrugged it off.

I only had one nice dress. It was black, and strapless. It flared our at the waist like a skater skirt that stopped right above the knee, and it had a small cutout on the back. I wore it with a pair of black heels, and a sweater, because I didn't want to show my arms.

Luke stood silent for a moment, staring at me.

"Wow." He said, moving closer to me. "You're absolutely beautiful."

I blushed a bit, and shrugged like he did.

"There's just one thing I want to change." He said, and slipped the sweater off my shoulders.

I looked at him. "Luke..." I said softly.

He replied by kissing my shoulder. "When I said you were beautiful, I meant all of you." He said into my skin.

"Please let me put it back on." I whispered, and he lifted his head.

"Nope." He said. "I want people to see how beautiful you are."

I smiled softly. "They aren't beautiful. They're a daily reminder of what I've been through. I hate them."

He grabbed my hand. "And I love them. Even these." He said, pointing to the ones I cut vertical on my wrists.

I gave him a sorrowful look, and my eyes filled with tears, threatening to run down my cheek.

"Shh," he said. "Lest just to, okay? I love you." He reminded me.

I nodded, and with a soft smile, we left.

"Luke..." I said while in the car. "Where are we going...?"

He sighed softly. "I made reservations at this really nice place earlier this week. I didn't want to tell you because I wanted it to be a pleasant surprise."

I smiled. "You amaze me with you're thoughtfulness everyday."

He chuckled softly, and kept driving, taking my hand in his. I took a deep breath, and he looked at me, concerned.

"Do-Do I look okay?" I asked nervously.

His eyes softened. "You look beautiful. Everyone there will want to be you." He said with a small smile.

I gave him a fake one back. "It's just that-" I tried to say, but he cut me off.

"You look fine. You're beautiful, and no one will care at all. Okay?" He said, and kissed my hand softly.

I smiled softly, and blushed. At that moment, we arrived, and Luke parked. I took another deep breath, and almost opened the door on y side of the car before Luke's hand touched my shoulder.

"What?" I said with a small giggle.

Without saying anything, he got out, and opened my door for me a few seconds later.

I laughed for a second. "You're an idiot." I said.

"Love you too." He said, and kissed me after I got out.

We both went inside the restaurant, greeted by tons of tables draped in white table clothes, and couples occupying almost every one of them.

"Reservation for....Hemmings." He said reluctantly.

I gave him a look, but he just smiled at me cheekily. The women at the front led us to a table behind a set of curtains in the back, then left.

"Do you like it?" He said softly.

I waited a moment before saying, "Obviously I do. Why are we back here? I like it."

"I wanted to make sure you were okay. There's a lot of people here." He said with a shrug.

I stood on my toes and kissed his cheek before sitting down. He sat across from me before scooting his chair as close to mine as he could.

"What?" He asked after I gave him a look. "I love you."

We both laughed at at, and looked at the menu. The women came back, and we ordered drinks. I ordered a water, as did he. Neither of us were much into alcohol, especially me, and he respected that. After a few minutes, another women came back.

"Are you ready to order?" She asked with a giant, fake smile covering her face.

Her eyes scanned me quickly, as if I wouldn't notice. Luke saw, and grabbed my hand, squeezing it tight.

"Um, not quite yet." He said, making it clear that we wanted her gone.

She looked disappointed, but she nodded, and went through thr curtains back into the restaurant.

"What was that?" I whispered to him.

"She gave you a look. It was rude." He said louder.

"Everyone does that. It's fine, Luke." I said in a normal voice this time.

"I don't like it." He said after a moment.

"I don't either, but I can't control it." I said, "let's face it, people are going to look. It's weird to see."

His fist tightened. He took a deep breath, and leaned back in his chair.

"Okay." He said. "People shouldn't do that."

I sighed softly. "I have an idea. Let's order our food, eat, and have a really good evening, and then afterwards we can walk along the beach for as long as we want." I said.

He nodded softly. "Yeah, yeah okay." He said. "I like that. I love you." He reminded me again.

I kissed his cheek again, before waiting again for the waitress with the scars on her wrists to come back.

All Black Everything // Luke HemmingsWhere stories live. Discover now