Chapter 44

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I woke up around three in the morning, and Luke wasn't there. I scrambled to get up. I looked around the room and I knew exactly where he was.

The bathroom door was locked so I banged on it. "Damn it Luke, open the door." I said.

"Go to bed, Ana. You need your rest." I said through soft sobs.

"No. Unlock the fucking door." I retaliated.

I heard the soft click of the lock, and I pushed the door open to see Luke sitting on the counter over the sink with a knife in his hand, and blood dripping down his arm.

"Luke..." I said, and took the knife away.

He sniffled softly before saying, "I'm sorry. I know we made a promise-"

I cut him off by kissing him.

"What was that for...? He asked afterwards.

"I can't yell at you. You just don't yell at someone for doing something like this." I said quietly.

"I love you." He said before kissing me again.

I helped him clean his wrist, and wrap it. After that we both got in bed again.

He kissed the back of my neck like he did earlier that night.

"I love you, so much." He said, before turning around and kissing me again.

I kissed him softly. He could tell I wasn't in a good mood.

"What is it?" He asked, pulling away a little.

"It's just, I have to walk in and see you with a knife in your hand and blood covering the sink. That's not very settling." I said.

"How do you think I feel? I stayed in that hospital for days and every night all I could do was imagine you in there using some needle or something to cut yourself, and every morning when I came to visit you I felt a tiny sliver of hope because you didn't." He replied.

I looked down, ashamed of myself for saying something so stupid. Of course he knows exactly how I feel.

"I'm sorry." I whispered.

He lifted my chin with his index finger and kissed me again, this time more passionately. His mouth moved in sync with mine, and he put one of his hands under me to decrease the space between us.

He kissed down my neck, breathing things into my skin as he went.

"I love you" *kiss* "So much." *kiss*

My hands found their way to his hair, twirling strands of blonde in my fingers. I brought his lips up to mine, and kissed him again before flipping us over so half of my body was hovering above him. I kissed him again softly, before taking off his shirt.

I kissed down his neck, and collarbone, and he played with the hem of my shirt. It was one of his, so I was only wearing my undergarments beneath it. I pulled it off and it landed with a quiet thump on the floor.

He stared for a moment before saying, "Every time I see you, your beauty seems like an entirely new thing to me."

I blushed, and he made a small circle on my cheek with his thumb, before kissing my again.

He kissed from my neck to my shoulders, and back up to my lips, all while drawing small circles on my stomach with his index finger. Every once in a while, a tiny moan would escape my lips, and he would give me a side smile, and a raised eyebrow as if to congratulate himself on being a good kisser.

"Are you okay? Are you comfortable?" He asked, bringing his lips back to mine, again.

I giggled. "Luke, I'm fine. You care too much."

"Not true." *kiss* "I just love you" *kiss* "too much".

"The feeling is mutual." I said, and kissed him again, then biting my lip.

"Come on, you know how much I love that." He said with a smile.

I just bit my lip harder.

He covered his eyes with his hand. "Nope, time for bed."

I laughed, and kissed his cheek, before he settled beside me, and slung one arm around me.

"I love you." I said.

"The feeling's mutual." He replied.

We both fell asleep shortly after.

All Black Everything // Luke HemmingsWhere stories live. Discover now