Chapter 22

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After a few silent minutes, I asked, " Why are you never disappointed? I mean, any other guy would've been angry with me."

He thought for a moment , then said, "Because it's not my decision. Not only that, but I'm kind of relieved we didn't..."

I Propped myself up on one elbow. "So you don't want to have sex with me?" I said with a hint of annoyance in my voice. It hurt me that he didn't want to, although I didn't want to either. But I would've, if I hadn't gone through what I did.

"No! No, no, no." He said. "I want to, I do, but...I just...I'm..." He took a deep breath. "I want my first time to be really special."

I looked into his eyes. I didn't show it, but I was surprised he was a virgin. I considered myself one, because whatever happened with my dad didn't count.

"Me too. That's why I always stop us." I said.

"But what about-"

"It doesn't count, not in my mind anyway." I cut him off.

Luke nodded, and kissed my forehead. "So we'll wait."


We ate pasta in the living room with mum, and watched old television shows. When we were done, Luke offered to do the dishes. I had no obligation, because I would have to do them otherwise.

Luke and I sat on the little swing set in the back after that, and talked. Mum called us in a little while later. It was getting late, and we both had to shower (mums orders).

Luke went first. I stayed on my bed and watched television until he came out. He had a towel wrapped around his waist. He looked so gorgeous, standing right in front of me. I smiled, and blushed a little. He giggled back, and ran a hand through his wet hair. I past him to go into the bathroom, and when I did, I kissed his shoulder for a moment, then walked in. He looked back at me with his little half smile.

I got out of the shower, and got dressed. I wore my tank top, and pair of gray sweatpants. Luke was wearing Gray sweats as well, but he wasn't wearing a shirt. His shirt was balled up on the floor. It was a band shirt, for a group I didn't know. It smelled like his cologne. I changed into his shirt, and took of the tank top and sweatpants. I lay next to him on my bed, and he put an arm around me.

"You look beautiful." He said, even though I wasn't wearing any makeup, and my hair was a mess. He kissed the top of my head.

We spent the rest of the night watching cheesy 90's movies, and laughing at how stupid they actually were.


I woke up, and Luke's arm was slung across me, his face buried in my neck. I smiled, feeling his breath hit my neck. I played with his fingers for a while until he woke up.

"Hello, love." He said groggily. He smiled, and kissed the back of my neck softly.

"Morning, Luke." I said, smiling back, although he couldn't see it.

I checked my text. A couple from Tess regarding her annoying professors and some cute guy she met. Another was from Calum.

"Is Luke there? Gotta talk to him. Have him call me when he can." Is what it read.

I turned to face him. "You never seem to have your phone when you need it." I said, and showed him Calum's text.

"You know I hate myself for that night. I beat myself up for it everyday. No jokes, please." He said, and read the text.

I could tell he really didn't like it, and that he really felt guilty for the entire night. I nodded.

"I'm sorry. I didn't mean it like that." I said, and kissed his cheek softly. He closed his eyes, keeping the feeling for a little bit longer.

"I guess I'm gonna call Cal." Luke said, and stood up, and held the phone to his ear.

I just watched him.

"Cal, hey what is it you wanted?" He asked.

Cal responded, and I guess whatever he said was exciting because Luke started jumping up and down, and point at the phone, with his mouth open

"Uhm, yeah. Yeah no we're free. Totally. Okay. Cool, bye."

I sat up. "So? What's the news?" I asked, genuinely confused.

"Calum has just bought six tickets to Panic!" He said excitedly. "He's invited us to go, along with Michael, and Ashton, and Cal's new girlfriend."

I smiled wide. "Oh my god we're going to see P!ATD!!!" I exclaimed and we kissed.

"It's not for another two month, but we can wait...can't we?" He said, making sure I still would go.

"Don't be a dumb ass, Luke. I can wait twelve months for Supernatural to air another season. I can wait two months for this." I said to him. He giggled.

We ran downstairs, and told Mum about it over breakfast. She didn't seem to notice that we slept together, and if she did, I guess she didn't care. Mum was ecstatic, knowing how much I love the band.

'Just two months...' I thought.


Kinda screaming because I have 700 reads already and it's only bEEN TWO DAYS WHAT

ya so I updated this early because I wanted to so cool yes thank you so so so much for 700 reads because that's a lot and also for voting because that's pretty rad. :)))


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