Chapter 28

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I woke up, and it was dark out. I saw Luke sitting at the end of the bed.

"Luke, what are you doing?" I asked weakly. The pain in my arm was coming back.

"Making sure you're okay." He said, and looked at me.

"I'm okay. How long did I sleep?" I asked.

"About twenty four hours. Just keep resting." He replied.

"How long did you sleep?" I asked.

"I didn't. I wanted to make sure you would be okay." He repeated.

"Luke, I'm fine. Please come here and get some sleep." I said, propping myself up on my elbows.

"No, you need to rest. I need to make sure you'll be okay." He replied.

"Luke I'm fine." I said. "I'm going to go get something to eat, you get some rest." I sat up. He shot up from where he sat.

"No! Please, stay in bed and rest." He said moving towards me.

"Only if you do." I crossed my arms.

He sighed, but got in bed next to me, putting an arm around me, cautious of my arm. He kissed the top of my head.

"I love you." Is all he said, and he started falling asleep.

Regardless of what I said, I wasn't fine, in any way. My body ached from fear, and my arm was sending pain all through my body, and I felt like I would be sick. I replayed the events of the previous night in my head over and over again. I remembered the smell of alcohol on my dad's breath, the pain of the cigarette on my arm. I remembered Luke's face when I saw him standing ion the other side of the parking lot. He thought he was going to lose me. I remembered him bawling into my shoulder. Every detail stuck with me. Then I remembered my phone smashing on the ground. I had no way of contacting Mum. I could only hope Luke, or the police already did.

I felt Luke's arm grip me tighter, and although it hurt, I didn't care. I would rather feel pain, but know he was there, then not.


I woke up a few hours later, and Luke wasn't there. I slowly got up, and went into the kitchen. He was there, making breakfast.

"Ana, hi. Go back to bed I'll bring you breakfast." He said with a small smile.

"No." I retaliated. "I'm going to sit here with you and eat breakfast."

"Ana you need rest." He said. His smile faded.

"I got burned, Luke. I wasn't hit by a bus." I said.

He sighed, but he knew I wouldn't budge. So he continued cooking, and I sat at the table. I still didn't feel well, but I hoped it was just because I hadn't eaten in over a day. When he was done, he sat with me.

"Are you okay?" He asked me, again.

I sighed. "No. I'm traumatized. I can't get the image of him out of my mind, but I know I'm safe."

He was tearing up. "I called your mom yesterday. She was worried, but she's going to visit today, if you want."

"Yeah, that's okay. I want to see her." I took a bite of my eggs. Luke took my hand in his.

"Ana it's my fault this all happened. If I hadn't said what I did, you wouldn't have ran away, and you would have never had to meet me, and he would've never been there, and you would've never gotten hurt. I'm so, so sorry. I hope you never forgive me, because I shouldn't be forgiven." He said, a tear fell down his cheek.

"Stop blaming everything that happens to me on yourself." I said. "You can't be there all the time. Yeah, you said something shitty, so I ran away. I didn't have to run. You didn't have to meet me. Neither of us knew something like this could happen."

"You ran to Ashton's, I know. You should date him. He would've been there." He looked down.

"Don't say that!" I snapped. "You were there. You called the police! Ashton wasn't there."

"I'm sorry. I love you." He said, keeping his head parallel to the ground.

I lifted his chin up like he did to me so many times before. He looked at my eyes.

"I'm going to be okay. So are you." I said, and kissed him softly.

I couldn't even believe myself.


Luke is so cute I'm cRYING

thanks for reading you're rad

grace xx

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