Chapter 2

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Mum was shaking me when we arrived at the hotel we were staying at for the night. It was five in the evening.

"What...What is it..?" I mumbled, barely opening my eyes. I took out my earbuds and sat up.

"We're at the hotel. I need your help with the bags dear." She gave me a smile and went to open the trunk.

I reluctantly followed her, putting my phone in my back pocket. we got our bags, and signed in. Our room was on the top floor, a special suite or something. Once we were all signed in, we took an elevator up to our room. While on the long trip to the top floor, we were alone in the elevator.

" come we have a suite or whatever? Why didn't we just get a regular room?" I asked my mum.

"Well I had enough money. The suite was only three hundred dollars more. Don't worry love, it's alright. Besides, it's a nice room and we deserve it, don't you think?" She answered.

I nodded, and we continued the rest of the way up in silence.

Our suite was enormous. it had two rooms, a small living area, and a kitchen that was only a bit smaller than the one at home. there were two flat screen TV's, along with another in the living area. Each bedroom had a separate bathroom, which was nice. We also got a balcony.

"Mum this is fantastic!" I said, taking the entire room in. "We're only here for one night why would we need all of this?" I gestured my arms out.

"Isn't it okay to pamper ourselves a little, Ana? Relax and enjoy it while we can." My mum said as she put our bags on the love seat.

I found my room. It wasn't as big as the master, but it was really big. a huge bed sat in the middle on the far wall, opposite of a flat screen, and a chair and lamp were in one corner. in another was a desk with a swivel chair, already equipped with a laptop. My bathroom was lovely. all white tile, and dark wood counters. It had some little cactuses by the sink, along with some of the sample shampoos and lotions they gave you. My mum always took those.

I decided to run myself a bath. I always thought of baths as something of luxury. Not an everyday thing, so today I took a bath. I played my music as loud as I pleased, and just relaxed. When I got out, I blow dried my long hair, which took forever, and put on some sweat pants and another sweater. I put my hair into a messy bun on the top of my head. I took off all of my makeup, and then went back out of my room to see my mum opening a bottle of champagne. my eyes widened

"Mum! You're not supposed to be drinking what are you doing?!" I grabbed the bottle and pulled it away from her.

"Honey I-" I stopped her.

"Don't even say a word! Just because we have a nice suite doesn't mean you can drink. Why tonight? We're moving, starting over! So you go and do this? I really believed you could stay sober. I guess I was wrong..." I stormed off into my room and locked the door, throwing the bottle into a trash can behind me. I wrapped myself in the covers on my bed, and started to cry.

After my father left about four years ago, my mum started to drink heavily. She was dependent on him, and his money. It was a good thing he left, he was a horrible man, but we were broke after he left us. My mum and I had only a few months before we had to leave the house. we rented a cheap apartment, and both went searching for jobs. I was only fifteen at the time, so no one would take me. My mum got a job as a nurse. She had gone to school for nursing, but never finished. two years later, she sobered up and finished nursing school, and got a job at a better hospital with a lot more pay. Then, we bought our house, and she stayed sober.

I heard a knock at my door. I ignored it, I didn't want to talk to Mum.

"Please let me explain, Ana. I'm sorry." she said from the other side of the door.

I yelled back to her through tears, "what is there to explain? I know what happened. please just go..."

"Ana...please listen to me. I can explain."

"I said....go!!" I yelled. I wanted her to leave. After that, she did. I listened to music until I fell asleep.

My alarm went off at eight. I knew were getting on a plane and leaving today, so I didn't get up. I didn't want to face my Mum, I didn't want to move. I wanted to stay under the white covers of my bed, and never leave. But I had to get up. I slowly got out of bed, and out on a pair of black skinny jeans, and a band t-shirt for All Time Low. I then put a jacket over it, to cover my arms. I straightened my hairs, and put a beanie over the mess it was. I put on my winged eyeliner, and I packed all my belongings away. by this time it was nine thirty. I took a deep breath and walked out of my room. Mum was at the table eating breakfast, in her robe.

She looked up as soon as she heard my door close behind me. "Ana...Good morning. Sit, have some breakfast. I had room service bring up some eggs and waffles." I stood my the door in silence.

"Ana...please. I can explain it all to you. just please sit and eat." I wasn't hungry at all, but I made my way to the table and sat.

After what seemed like forever, I said, "Well...explain. Because if you don't, I will board that plane by myself and leave without you."

She sighed, but she told me, "I have been sober for two years. I wanted to celebrate with a tiny glass of champagne. we were staring over. I though you would understand. I was going to ask you to join me..."

"Thats it?" I said. "That's your excuse? Mum just because you've been sober for so long doesn't mean you can just stop!"

"Okay. I understand all of this makes you upset. I won't do it again. I promise. please accept my apology, Ana." She said.

I nodded, without looking at her. she looked down, disappointed and said "well, I need to get ready. we need to be at the airport in an hour." she got up and left the table, and once again, I was alone.

All Black Everything // Luke HemmingsWhere stories live. Discover now