Chapter 15

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"Good morning." Luke said into my ear when he woke up. I was already awake.

He kissed my forehead again, and wrapped his arm around me. I smiled slightly, and then I felt the pain. It shot from my arm all over my body. I gasped and sat up, holding tightly to my arm.

"Ana?!" Luke said, shooting out of bed.

"My arm...It's hurts." I said through clenched teeth.

"Do I need to call the ambulance?" Luke was fumbling around me.

"N-No. I just need a pain pill, or five." I said, jokingly.

"Ana that's not funny. What do you need?" He said back. I guess a joke about overdosing wasn't really the right thing to say after last night.

"Just give me a pain pill and let me rest." I said, again clenching my teeth.

Luke bolted out of the room and returned with a glass of water and two pain killers. I took them without hesitation, and the pain started to go away.

"Better?" He asked me

"Yes." I smiled at him.

He gave me a kiss, and lay beside me again. I kissed him back, and bit my lip.

"Oh don't do that lip bite thing. I love it too much." He said, and giggled.

"Really?" I smirked, and did again.

He rolled over half of him was hovering over me, holding his weight with his arms.

"Really." He said, and leaned down to kiss me again.

This time it was such a passionate kiss. parting lips every once in a while. It lasted forever. One of his arms moved under me and held onto my back, and my hands went to his chest. We flipped over so I was on top of him, only this time my legs were around his waist, as he at up. my arms were around his neck, and his hands were moving up and down my back.

"I love you" He said to me between kissing.

I stopped for moment to say "And I do you." I bit my lip again, and he kissed me again, but stopped, and got up.

"What wrong? Did I do something?" I asked him.

"No, no." He answered, turning around to face me. " I just don't want to go any further. I feel wouldn't want that."

He was right. "I know. I don't. But kissing is okay." I smiled at him.

He smiled back, and got back into bed. "I love you." He whispered again.

I kissed his cheek. "I love you too." I said back.

We fell asleep again, in each others arms.


We woke up a few hours later, and ate breakfast. Luke had some cereal, so we ate that. We changed the wrap on my arm, and watched television for a while.

"Ana, you need to go see your Mum. she will be worried." Luke said in the middle of an episode of Supernatural.

I shook my head. "She doesn't care about me. I never want to see her again."

He wrapped an arm around me, and kisses my cheek. "She does care about you. As much as I wish you could stay here forever, you can't. Go see your Mum."

I looked up at him. He wanted me to stay there forever?

I sighed. "What would I say?"

"Exactly what you think." He replied. "If you think you hate her, tell her. it doesn't matter because you can come stay here whenever you please."

I smiled, and got up. "Will you come?"

He stood up and grabbed both my hands. "I'll be there if you want me to be." He kissed my forehead.

We left an hour later, and drove in silent nervousness to my house. When we arrives, I sat in the car for another minute to prepare myself. Luke squeezed my hand and gave me a look like 'You'll be okay" and we went in.

"Ana! Ana where have you been I was worried sick?!" Mum yelled as soon as we walked through the door. She paid no attention to Luke holding my hand.

"Really? Because I didn't think you would even remember me leaving you were so drunk last night!" I screamed at her.

"Ana...please let me explain. I-"

"No! I've caught you two times now in the past two years! How long have you actually been drinking?!" I was so infuriated. I felt like I would never forgive her.

She sighed. "It's only been two months since I started drinking again."

"How do I know you're not lying? You've lied before." I retaliated.

"I promise, Ana. I'm not lying. Please forgive me." She put a hand on my shoulder.

I smacked her hand away as soon as it touched me. Luke pulled away. She looked so hurt, like a puppy who had his tail stepped on.

"Leave me alone!" I yelled at her. I then ran upstairs, and Luke followed. I shut the door and locked it behind him.

I kissed him again. "I love you." I said again that day.

"Ana calm down. I know you're angry, let's just not go there, okay?" He said to me.

I pulled away slowly. I sat on my bed and started crying. he put an arm around me and kissed me softly.

"Ana, you'll be okay. Do you want to pack some clothes and stay at my flat for a while?" Luke whispered.

I nodded, and got up to pack some clothes. I packed probably too much,but I didn't know how long is be there. i went into the bathroom and saw the floor covered in blood, and the pair of scissors lying in the middle of it. I cried silently at the sight.

"Okay. I want to leave." I said to Luke.

We made our way downstairs. Mum was at the dining room table, obviously crying. She looked up at us, and saw my suitcase with me.

"Ana...Please just sit and talk to me." She said.

"You've said enough." I snapped back, and walked out the front door. Luke followed close behind me. We drove off again.

"Luke, Mum doesn't have a car. Mines at your flat." I abated her, but I couldn't leave her without a car.

"I'll drop you off, and take her back, the I'll take a bus back to my flat." He said to me. He was holding my hand still.

When we got to the flat, I put my bag in his room, and he left to give Mum the car. I stayed in his bed the entire time he was gone, surrounded by his scent. He got back in an hour, and lay next to me.

"We should go to the beach, and swim." I said to him.

"Tomorrow?" He asked me.

"Today. I don't care what time. Let's just go." I replied.

I could feel him smile on the back of my neck. we both got up. I went to the bathroom to put on a bathing suit. I wore a biking because it's all I brought with me, a pair of leggings, and Tess's tank top she gave me.

I slowly walked out of the bathroom. Luke stared at me. not in a bad way but in a 'I can see all the scars on your arms and you still look beautiful' kind of way.

"Uhm, Tess gave it to me. She always tries to make me wear stuff like this. I-" His lips connected with mine before I could finish.

"I don't care. you look beautiful." He smiled and put his forehead on mine.

All Black Everything // Luke HemmingsWhere stories live. Discover now