(S2) Chapter 49 - Love

Start from the beginning

"I love you Y/n." Your heart bursts at the sentence. You don't think you will ever get tired of hearing it, and you never want to hear the end of it.

"I love you too Tae."


It wasn't long before you arrived at the graveyard, it was actually pretty close to their house, you wondered if that was on purpose.

He held your hand tightly as we approach his father's grave. Jieun held Minhee as she began to whine about her feet hurting. Their mother following close behind.

When you finally were standing in front of it, your eyes traced the name engraved in the shiny stone.

Kim TaeMin.
Age 38
Leaves behind a family of four.

You looked towards Taehyung, who had hooded eyes, his lower lips being hidden by his teeth, then being released only to have his tongue graze his cheek. His fingers held tightly onto yours.

You let go of his hand and replaced the feeling by wrapping your arm around his, laying your head into his shoulder gently. He tilted his head towards you, his lips pressed against you forehead softly, before pulling away.

Even if no words were spoken, the sparks that transferred through your bodies were enough to know how each other felt. You watched as his sisters placed daisy's on his grave, meanwhile his mother watched from behind.

"We miss you appa." Minhee whispers, almost silent if you weren't paying attention.

You felt Taehyung tense against your body, his arm contracting against yours. You look over to see his eyes brimmed with a clear glass. Your body acted on its own, kissing his cheek, using your thumb to wipe off his tears.

"Even though he was an a**hole when he was here, I still miss him like hell." Taehyung's voice comes out weakly. Your hands interlock with his as his mother approach's him.

"He was a good man, most of the time anyways." She laughed, obviously holding back her tears. She covered her mouth with her hand, releasing a shaking breath.

"Eomma, I'm hungry~" Minhee whines, pulling on her black leggings.

"Alright, just a minute honey."

After a few minutes, they were ready to say goodbye, You and Taehyung placed an 2 orchids on his grave, before taking a deep, shaking breath.

"I'll be back okay appa?" He whispers, before turning to you.

"Are you sure you're ready to go Tae?" he gave you a small, Painful smile. His hooded eyes looking down at the ground towards his shoes.

"Yeah. I'm ready."


You finished drying yourself off, your hair still damp From your shower but you honestly didn't care. You were exhausted from the long day and was ready to cuddle with your handsome fiancé to sleep.

You placed your loose purple shirt over your body, then picking out some simple lace panties that you brought last minute when you realized you forgot to pack half of your clothes. You decided against wearing your long matching pants that fell to your ankles. You actually enjoyed the feeling of the sheets and Taehyung's legs against you. Luckily your top fell over your thighs so it wasn't showing too much skin. Even though it was only the two of you in the room you figured he wouldn't care and you would just get dressed in the morning.

You opened the bathroom door once you finished, noticing Taehyung wasn't in the room. You continue on anyway, placing your old clothes on his dresser and wrap your towel over your shoulders as you sat at his desk. Pulling your journal out of your bag that rested against the desk. Placing it on the cool wood, opening it to an empty page.

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