I rub my eyes then look at him. "Sure, I'll go drag El down... Come in, want cereal or something?"

"I'm good." Cody plops down onto the brightly coloured futon next to the fish tank.

"I'll be right back." 

I go back upstairs to Eleanor who refuses to get up. "Eleanor J. Calder" I start sounding like her mother, "I cried just as much as you last night, we are both equally devastated. It's hard to know the boys are leaving, yes, but we also have Cody here who cares about us who want's to go surfing, just as we promised. Now, you're going to get your ass ready and come downstairs so you two can teach me how to surf!" I then pull all the covers off of her body.

She slowly drags herself out of bed and into the bathroom to get ready. "I hope you fall hard while surfing!" she yells from the other room.

"Damn right, I will!" I call back jokingly. We both laugh. 

* *  * *

Cody POV

Danielle, Eleanor and I had an amazing day down at the beach. El and I caught some sick waves while Dan on the other hand, wiped out a huge amount of times.

"I must say," I turn my head to Danielle, who's beautiful, curly hair is still wet from the ocean. "You are the absolute worst surfer I have ever seen in my life!" Eleanor and I laugh as Danielle punches me in the arm. 

"I wasn't that bad!" she protests.

"You could barely stand on the board." says Eleanor through her giggles. 

"I'm from Boston, what do you expect." she huffs. "I'm not a surfer like you two." 

I smile at her. 

I know that she loves Liam and Niall, but man, do I still like her! Danielle is probably the most beautiful girl I have ever seen, on the inside and out. I could go on and on about how incredible she is, though I know it's pointless... I'm friendzoned. How am I to compete with two international super stars anyway? 


"Harry just texted me." she says looking down at her phone. 

"Harry Styles?" I ask.

"No, Harry Potter. Of course it's Harry Styles!" she says with a smirk on her face.

She's so cute...

"What did he say?" asks Eleanor ignoring my stupid  question.

"He needs me back at the hotel, it's an emergency..." Danielle looks at El and I. "I'm sorry, I have to go. Thanks guys for attempting to teach me how to surf." she winks.

"No prob, hey call me when you're not busy." says Eleanor. 

"Of course, later!" Danielle hugs us both and runs off towards her hotel. 

Danielle POV

I can feel my heart racing, I wonder what the emergency is...

Seeing as I'm still in my bikini, I rush to grab my cover-up before heading to the boys' hotel room.

"Where have you been?!" asks Jenna frantically as I walk into the room.

"I went surfing with El and Cody. And sorry I've been gone for two days, I was out house hunting with Eleanor and stayed at her place." I say, avoiding the truth of where I've really been.

"House hunting where, Danielle? At a fair with Liam Payne and Louis Tomlinson?" She holds up her phone scrolling down a long list of pictures from last night with her finger. My face turns bright red. "Where did you get those?!" 

I didn't see any paparazzi yesterday at the fair, how could there be pictures? These photographers have got to be like ninjas or something. 

"I should be asking you the questions! You haven't spoken to me since the last time I texted you asking about your so-called date with Liam Payne!" she spat. "Since when do you know One Direction anyway? Have you guys been long term best friends this whole time and I just wasn't aware of it or what?"

Her sarcasm never bothered me until now.

"You've been hanging out with international pop stars, Danielle, and you couldn't even let your own sister know about it? You left me in this hotel wondering where you were all this time. I knew there was something strange going on when Niall just some how showed up at our door asking for you, are you dating him too now?" she hissed. "Haha, just wait until I tell mom." 

"No! Don't, please..." I beg. "If anything she's already seen the pictures. One day, I just happened to bump into Liam and he offered me a smoothie. Yes, I've been hanging out with One Direction, but there's no need to be mad at me!" 

Her face contracts with frustration, "No need to be mad!? Have you been going to your dance classes, Danielle? Have you been looking for a house? Mom's paying for this hotel and by wasting your time, you're wasting her money." 

She was right, I have been wasting my time by hanging out with Eleanor and the boys instead looking for a house and dancing. That's the whole reason I came here in the first place...

"You're right." I sigh. 

Jenna seems upset at how she blew up in my face... "You know what," she starts. "I'm giving you 2 days to find a house. If you manege to find one, I won't tell mom about how you haven't been searching." 

My face lights up.

"THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU!" I screech jumping onto my sister, causing her to fall to the floor.

Shit! I almost forgot about Harry's text!

I quickly stand up, grab my cover-up and run to the door, "I have to go out for a while, it's important... I'll see you later, okay?"

Jenna stands up from the floor, "Yeah, yeah, I'll just chill here." she smiles at me.

I hurry out the door and head towards One Direction's hotel room. 

Between Boys (One Direction Fan Fiction)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें