Donald Pierce x Bulimic!Reader - "Healing"

Start from the beginning

His lips captured hers softly, humming against her lips, thankful that his boss interpreted the sound as a confirmation of hearing and understanding what he was saying when in reality he was really really enjoying the kiss.

Cupping her cheek in his human hand, he pulled her down, kissing her deeper and rolling over her body. His fingers wrapped around her neck softly, squeezing it lightly as his tongue licked her lips, smiling and nuzzling against them.

She grinned shyly, sliding her arms around his neck and pecking his nose. His smirk disappeared instantly because of the phone, grumbling something under his breath as he hid his face in her neck, licking and kissing her neck.

"Yeah yeah, I'll be there in 30," He grunted, hanging up the phone and throwing it across the room.

The girl gasped as it hit the wall and fell to pieces.

"Donnie!" She chuckled with a scolding face. It was comical how careless he was, not even moving his head away from her skin to throw the phone and certainly not looking up to see it break.

"I don't want to go," He mumbled, not having to look at his face to know he would be pouting.

"I don't want you to go either, but you have to baby, you have prioritises" She explained, running her fingers through his hair.

"You're my first priority," His voice was slightly muffled as he buried his face in her neck deeper, hugging her waist tightly.

She blushed as he released a sigh.

"But the only way I can spoil you with everything you deserve is to actually work and make some money," He used his palms to sit up, eye level to her and gazing at her lips.

"Do you mind if I go? I'll only be a few hours, three max." His mouth ghosting over hers. Her eyes tore away from his, staring at the same thing.

"No, go, we can continue later,"

He smirked, nodding and kissing her lips roughly before standing up and walking to the bedroom in search of his work clothes.


Hunger, a lot of it. The girl felt guilty. She knew she would eat a lot. Her routine was going well but Donald wasn't here at this time.

Her hunger was as intense as the guilt she was feeling if she decided to do something about it.

She couldn't focus on the movie anymore, she needed to eat now.


"Babe, I'm home," His voice announced. He kept his promise, only leaving for two hours.

"Babe?" He frowned when he didn't hear an answer. Marching to the living room, he humphed upon seeing the room completely empty. Gulping nervously, he raced around the apartment frantically, until he heard sounds coming from the bathroom.

"Baby?" he knocked on the door, sticking his ear against it.

"Yes," A small grumbled answered from the other side. His eyebrows furrowed again.

"Are you okay?" He sighed, placing his head against the door.

"...yes," She whispered.

"Baby," He cooed, "can I come in?"

"No, please," Donald's face fell at her voice, "I'm s-so sorry," She sobbed. His head shook, not in disappointment but in worry.

"I'm coming in." Is all he said. Turning the doorknob, he was able to open it even if it was locked, it was an easy trick he learnt at the military.

His heart clenched at the sight of her. She was hunched over the toilet, her face had turned three shades paler, and her eyes seemed exhausted. It smelt like vomit.

"Baby, what happened?" He asked in alarm, dropping to his knees and placing his hand on her back, rubbing circles lightly. His other hand caressed her hair before pulling it out of her face.

"I'm s-so sorry, I can't d-do this, it's too much," She whispered, her voice cracking. He only now realised her red eyes and flushed cheeks.

Pierce's expression was unreadable before he handed her a tissue. Blowing her nose and cleaning her face, she put the towel in the toilet, turning back to her boyfriend in fear.

He took a deep breath, sliding his arms around her waist and pulling her against your chest. She buried her face in his neck, fisting his shirt.

"Don't be sorry baby, you have done so much improvement, there is always a stepback," He reassured, kissing her forehead.

"You're not mad?" She released a shaky breath.

"At you? Never baby, you're the strongest person I have ever met." His eyes were filled with admiration as he cupped her cheeks to move her eyes to his, "there is always a set backwards, and I know you hate that, but I'm here to reassure you that you are doing two steps forwards every time whilst you go backwards once. That's still improvement isn't it?" His fingers trailed along her cheek.

She nodded slowly, "I guess so," (Y/N) mumbled. He smiled lightly, holding her tightly.

"What did you eat and how long did you take to eat it?" He muttered, burying his lips in her hair.

"I ate anything edible in the fridge in half an hour," She gulped. The cyborg hummed, nodding softly.

"Good thing we didn't go to the supermarket yet, you might have eaten a lot more," He rocked the both of them slowly. She hummed in agreement, burying her face in his chest, catching her breath.

"Thank you," The girl whispered.

"Hm?" He asked.

"Thank you for being here for me," He smiled, biting his lip lightly.

"Anything for you baby, I love you so much!" His heart swelled, pulling her close before putting his arm under her legs and standing up, carrying her bridal style to the couch.

"I love you too," She smiled shyly, hiding in his neck with a blush.

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