Chapter Seventy One: Hickey

Start from the beginning

"K-Kakashi.." my heart pounding faster than the speed of light I finally feel his lips detach from my skin.

My chest heaving up and down, I feel kisses trace up my neck and to my ear, "remember, your mine, and the whole village will know that now." Kakashi whispered huskily as he gently tugged my face towards him, my eyes widening, I see a giant smirk on his lips. "How do you feel about that?" Pursing my lips, I narrow my eyes at him before I quickly maneuvering him from the side of me to underneath me. Pinning his hands above his head, I straddle his torso as I raise my eyebrows in a mocking behavior.

"Did you think that one more giant hickey to my whole neck full- no wait- body full, won't make it any clearer to everyone in the Village?" I ask as I tilt my head and lift my eyebrows questioningly.

"Another one couldn't hurt.." Kakashi stated lightly as his eye peered at my neck, making his smirk even bigger.

Letting out a a fake laugh, I lower my head down to his ear, "you get away with it because you can wear your mask.. but as you said, 'another one couldn't hurt, right?" Lowering my lips onto his hickey filled neck, I let my lips graze against his cool neck. Biting down on his neck lightly, I let my tongue slip through and lick at his neck lightly. With a small pop, I release his skin and look to see my work take up a good amount of space. "I like my work." A chuckle escaping Kakashi's lips, I feel him break my hold on his hands and place his hands on my hips. Moving my head to look back at Kakashi, I let a playfully smile on my lips as I move my hand to play with his gray hair.

"We should get up before we continue teasing each other, otherwise things are going to get a bit.. complicated for us." Kakashi mumbled as I let my fingers completely run through his hair. "I love when you do that," Kakashi huskily stated as his onyx eye fluttered close in content. A small smile tugging on my lips, I lean down and peck his lips, before getting off of Kakashi and the bed. 

"Your right, I've got to get going, because I could spend all day in your arms." I mumble as I walk over to his dresser, before gently tugging the draws I pull it out and find some spare set of clothing I left here. Pulling it out, I gently close the draw and turn around to see Kakashi sitting on the edge of the bed, his hand running through his hair lightly.

"I'll never understand why you leave your clothes here if you always wear mine. This is the first time I've actually seen you touch those clothes in that draw since you've put them in there." Kakashi mumbled out lightly as the bed let out a creek as he stood up, stretching upward he walks to the dresser as well. Standing side by side, he places a hand on my hip, and moves his other hand to the dresser, pulling it out, and grabbing his own clothes.

"Hey, I cant help that your clothes are more comfy.." I mumble out lightly as I let a blush dust my cheeks.

Plus there coated in your scent..

"You know I've been meaning to ask you, what if I went shopping and I buy you your own pair so you don't always leave me missing clothes?" Kakashi asked as her turned me around to stare at him point blank.

A giant laugh escaping my lips I lean my forehead against his rock hard chest, "o-o-oh g-god," my laughs echoing throughout his room, I lift my head to see his face covered in a deep blush. "Y-you, think th-that will work? Oh-h Kakashi." Giving a pat on his shoulder, I wipe away my tears from my laughter.

"W-what's so funny about that?" Kakashi mumbled out as he looked down at me. Smiling I stand on my tippy toes and peck his lips as I let a few giggles escape my lips.

"You would just letting me have two pairs of everything that way, sorry babe, but it just doesn't work that way. Nice try though." Lifting my hand, I loop it around his neck, I let my hand run through his gray locks on the back of his neck. "Kakashi, your a great shinobi, and boyfriend, and you know all there is to know about battle tactics, but you need a little bit more help on the clothes department of the boyfriend side. I love you though."

"Yeah, yeah, yeah, whatever," rolling his eye, a light blush still dusted across his cheeks. "You've hurt me. Kiss it and make it better?" His eyebrows raising, his lips gave a point as he pulled me closer into his warm embrace. Smiling I lean up against Kakashi's body, as I feel him also give a small push from behind to support me.

"Only this once," my eyes fluttering shut, I slowly connect our lips together in a light kiss. Kakashi's hands on the small of my back, I feel one of them drift down and give a squeeze to my rear. His hand staying there, it slowly massaged me as our lips collided. Pulling away,  his hand drifted back to my back. My eyes peering up at him, I raise my eyebrows in a questioning manner. "You really like my ass, don't you?"

"It's the finest master piece in this world, am I not allowed to admire it?" Kakashi retorted as both his hands swooped down and gave a firm squeeze to my butt, causing a gasp out of me.

Blood rushing to my face I purse my lips as I look up at him, "you are so lucky."

"I know. Otherwise I would be curled up in my bed all alone cuddling into a pillow."

"Well, I have to get going, so I will see you, hopefully, later." Leaning up I give a peck on his lips lightly before we detach ourselves from one another. Turning back around I pick up our clothes we dropped, handing Kakashi his, I grab mine as well.

"Mhm.. well I'll see you later beautiful, if you need anything I'll be training over on that cliff.. that I always train at." Kakashi whispered lightly as he placed a kiss on my temple, "love you."

"Love you too," turning around I place a kiss on his cheek before he turned and walked outside his room and to the bathroom.

Letting out a sigh, I teleport myself to my house, after taking a shower and changing into the clothes I brought from Kakashi's, I walk out to the living room to see Kisame watching tv and Itachi making eggs for breakfast.

"Ha. So you've finally come home?" Kisame grumbled at me as his eyes locked onto my neck, "oh. Did you stay at your lovers house?" A blush dusting my cheeks I gulp as I see Itachi in the corner of my eye also look at my neck briefly, before continuing to work on the eggs.

"No doubt Kakashi Hatake of the Sharingan left those on you." Itachi stated monotonous, as he placed the eggs on to three plates.

"Yes, he did." I say as I raise my eyebrows at the pair in a daring matter, "problem?"

"No, no, no," Kisame mumbled out in annoyance, gettting up from my couch he went to my kitchen and grabbed his food. Placing it at the table, he sat down and began eating.

"And you Itachi?" My eyes piercing through his form, I only receive silence from Itachi. "Well, since you have nothing more to say, I have to get going somewhere after this meal. And you? Are you guys staying another night or are you going to put your evil plans into action?" Pulling out my chair I sit down as Itachi does the same. Digging into the deliciously made eggs by Itachi I feel my as if I've been entrapped in a food coma.

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