Chapter 1

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"This party is so lame" I complain and Sam just laughs at me as we sit there on the couch drinking beer in red plastic cups, he places his hand on my thigh and traces circles with his fingers on my bare skin since I'm wearing shorts which he told me to wear because according to him I look super hot in them, what a creep.

I want to jerk his hand away, I don't like it when he shows this kind of affection in public but I know he'll get pissed off if I do it so I decide against it and focus on the red cup in my hand, my head is already pounding.

I can feel his hand going further up my thigh and I gently swat his hand away giving him a small smile I say "Not now babe, we're in public" he groans and asks "So?" I just roll my eyes at him and sit up straight, I know he's already drunk and I'm in no mood to argue with him right now so I'll just let it go.

I can hear Lizzie chattering away with some boys on the couch opposite us, she's such an attention seeker, Will and Rick are nowhere to be seen, they're probably playing beer pong or hooking up with some random girl for all I know and here I am stuck in this hellhole, thanks to Sam and his image in college no one even dared to sit on the same couch as me and him which I'm really thankful for, I love my privacy.

Sam pulls me to his chest and wraps his arms around my waist "What the fuck are you doing?" I ask "Kissing my girlfriend" he mutters and crashes his lips on mine, I can already feel Lizzie's eyes on us, even though my gaze is fixed on Sam I somehow know she's glaring at us, deciding to put on a little show I wrap my arms around Sam's neck and deepen the kiss making him moan.

I hear a few wolf whistles from the boys seated on the couch opposite us and Lizzie's frustrating groan "Ugh get a room you two" she says annoyed and irritated at us.

I just smile into the kiss and pull back leaving both Sam and I panting, trying to catch our breath

Sam smiles at me, his blue eyes shining with what I know is probably lust, I know he wants more but I'm not gonna go any further in public, this was disgusting enough, I mean who makes out like this in public? Oh wait crazy college kids like me and him do this.

Sam beams at the guys proudly as if he's done something heroic and I control myself from lashing out at him, he was doing all this for show.

"There they are" I hear Will say who heads towards us with a guy who I've never seen before, not in college at least.

"Everyone...... this is Blake, my cousin" Sam says gesturing his hand towards his cousin who looks at us, his eyes are just like Sam's though, all blue and beautiful "Blake these are my friends, Sam and Ana" Will says acknowledging us and Sam gives a slight nod before Will's cousin murmurs "Hey" I just ignore him and swirl the liquid in my cup but Sam being Sam starts talking with him and I drift off in my own thoughts which basically consist of how good it would be to get out of this damned party, go home and just sleep or maybe watch a movie.

I don't really pay much attention to their conversation but they seem to get along pretty well, from what I've heard he's transferring to our university and he is pretty excited about it.

Will has yet again disappeared leaving Blake with us who's sitting between me and Sam, I don't really mind it because I don't care but I do feel bad about Sam's behaviour, I am his damn girlfriend and he's just letting anyone sit between us, I know he's upset because I didn't put up a good enough show with him in front of his friends to whom he can brag about how hot his girlfriend is, I did make out with him and I think that was disgusting enough, I can't just give in everytime he wants something from me, he can't and shouldn't expect me to let him touch me like that in public, it's not right.

Blake seems like a genuine guy though, he's keeping his distance from me and is sitting as far away from me as possible giving me my privacy but it still annoys me that Sam is letting him sit between us because he's upset with me, he needs to stop his childish behaviour.

I stand up and retrieve my phone from the small coffee table "Where are you going?" Sam asks a little harshly "I need some air" I say ignoring his glare and get out of there.

A few minutes later I'm in the kitchen talking to random college kids and drinking alcohol like it's water.

After spending an hour or two or maybe three without Sam and actually having fun I decide to go back to him, my head is already pounding and I know I'm fucking drunk, Sam is gonna be pissed off at me.

I stumble a little but find my way to Sam, the scene in front of me catches me off guard and I stumble back almost hitting the ground but two strong arms save me, holding me in place before I fall down.

It was Blake, I thank him and straighten myself before yelling "What the hell Sam?" He freezes and looks at me in horror, I can't take this, he was kissing someone else, he had his tongue down someone else's throat, he was basically cheating on me infront of me, he was kissing Lizzie for goodness' sake, he knows how much I despise her.

Am I hurt yes but it's nothing compared to the anger boiling inside me right now, without thinking about the consequences of my action I grab Blake's collar and pull him to me, damn he's tall.

I crash my lips on his, he protests but doesn't push me away or anything so I take my time and kiss him making sure to put a good enough show for the people around us, I hope Sam enjoys this.

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