Chapter 14

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A/N Sorry for any mistakes, I had an operation today and I'm still quite tired etc! Hope you like it:))

"How the hell is she out?" I whisper yell to Charlotte. We got home about 10 minutes ago, luckily we were able to sneak past my mum and Greg since they were on about the news.

"How am I supposed to know!? I've been with you this whole time!"

"She could kill all of us! It's all because of you." I snap.

"Don't worry, I won't let it get that far!" she promises looking up at me ignoring my horrible comment.

"Charlotte, please just stop being so naive! She's a psycho and she will kill you along with everyone else."

"You seem to forget I'm also a psycho, I have been locked up in that place with her for many years, I know her like the back of my hand so don't you dare call me naive! You are just looking for someone else to blame when this is your fault!" she almost yells shoving me slightly in anger.

"It is not my fault! You were jealous and she killed Jenny!"

"No, you decided to have sex with a girl after letting two mental health patients out of their rooms after lights out knowing they were in the top floor which has to permanently be on lockdown when there is a lack of staff." she growls trying to keep her voice low.

"No! You let her out! I let you out because you asked me to and you were being calm and well behaved!"

"I was only trying to stop you from making the worst mistake of your life."

"What do you mean?" my voice has now calmed down.

"Jenny is-was a bully, she got with Sam a while back and kept being horrible to him, picking out things he was doing wrong and things which lead to him being a very angry person who took it out on us. We are not punch bags Beau! We're human too. People just need to sit and listen once in a while, we aren't bad we just need help and for someone to understand! It isn't about keeping us locked up all the time."

"You're dangerous so you need to be kept away from everyone."

"Pft, that only makes it worse! Do you know how upsetting it is to be taken away from everyone you know and locked in a massive building full of strangers who force pills down your throats, beat you for looking at them weirdly, making you feel like a monster!" I look up at her to see tears running down her face. She stands silently letting them fall taking a deep breath. "Aurora is not a bad person, they have made us that way and in a few weeks I'll be going back there, forever. I'm scared and I just-I want to be or live with someone that actually cares about me and would feel upset if I died. Let's be honest, when you die this whole town will go to your funeral but when I die I'll probably be dumped in some ditch somewhere."

"That's not true." my eyes don't move from hers.

"Well I doubt my parents will go to it." she says with acid clear in her tone.

"I would." I admit.

"Aw you would?" she replies sweetly but all I see is darkness in her eyes. "Do me a favour and stop being Mr Nice Guy, you will always deep down think I'm some mentalist who's out to kill everyone so why don't you do me a favour and drive me to the hospital now! I may as well get comfortable."

"No I'm not taking you back there. What makes you think you'll be there forever?" I haven't heard anything about this.

"Did your mum not tell you?" she looks hurt just as my mum bursts through the door.

"Tell me what?" my eyes narrow as I stare at my mum for an answer.


"Basically if this trial goes well I get to continue to live here or wherever, I never have to worry about being taken back there, however, if it doesn't go well I have to go back to the hospital and since I'm in the highest ward and I can't go any further I'm there forever as a danger to society." Charlotte explains not waiting for my mum to.

I've fallen for a psycho. (Beau Brooks fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now