Chapter 4

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I tried to act cool so Jenny wouldn't notice.

Before I could even react the girl grabbed her into a headlock causing Jenny to start screaming. The girl stuck her hand over her mouth.

"You need to learn to keep your hands off other people's things." she growled at Jenny. "Now, you're going to turn around and leave because he doesn't belong to you. Now go." she let go of her throat and Jenny ran off in floods of tears.

Charlotte smirked as she walked over to me. I didn't call after Jenny, I'm still trying to work out what the hell has just happened.

"Beau, this is Aurora. Aurora, Beau." Charlotte introduced.

"Hi." I spoke awkwardly.

"Hey Beau." she greeted looking extremely cheerful.

"Let's sit!" Charlotte encouraged dropping onto the floor, crossing her legs. She leant back against the wall.

Aurora did the same so I followed.

"So...What was that about?" I asked sweetly not trying to start anything.

"Did you want the Queen of Chlamydia to infect you?" Aurora replied with a sassy tone.

"No, I guess not." I actually lied, I probably wouldn't have minded doing her. I always have condoms with me.

"You're welcome."

"Thanks." I weakly smiled.

"You invited the wrong staff member up anyway." Charlotte told me changing the topic.

"Who should I invite next time?"

"Lucy. She's on floor 16 I think. Two down."

"I will do that next time, I promise."

"Good. She's like our sane best friend." she grinned cheerfully.

I looked down at my watch to see that it was only 8pm. Two stupid hours have gone by.

I frowned to myself then headed towards the lift.

I pushed the button to go down a floor where Jenny should be.

As soon as the doors opened I spotted her sat at the far end of the corridor.

"It's okay." I cooed as she cried. "Come on, the toilet is just down by there." I winked. She stopped crying almost instantly and followed me.


I walked out leaving her to sort her hair and clothes out.

"Why would you do that?" a voice asked calmly making me jump. It was Charlotte. Oh shit! I've left two patients to wander around the hospital. My boss will kill me.

"Why wouldn't I?" I questioned laughing slightly.

"This isn't a laughing matter."

"Take a chill pill Charl. Jeez."

"Don't tell me to take a chill pill." she spat. "Well, you didn't take my warning so there are consequences."

"Conseq-" I was interrupted by a loud, high pitch scream echoing from the bathroom.

I ran straight towards the sound, as the door opened I found Jenny lying on the floor, blood gushing from her neck and Aurora stood over her with a knife.

"What the fuck have you done?" I yelled at her.

"I'm a psychopath Beau, I'm not supposed to be let out or angered by staff members." she replied calmly.

"Get back to your rooms." I threatened.

"Okay." they both replied in a chilled tone, clearly not bothered by the half dead body below them. "Did you know that the doors are also electrically managed so every morning the boss can see who's doors have been opened etc." Charlotte told me as I walked behind them into the lift.

"Shit. So I'm going to get sacked."

"No. Probably just suspended. He needs all the staff he can get. If you tell the police it's us though, you are going to wish you never worked here." Aurora threatened, her eyes were like stone.

"I won't."

I quickly locked them in their rooms and took the stairs to the next floor. The lift takes far too long. I quickly phoned for an ambulance.


It's too late. Jenny is dead. My boss has just arrived and he does not look pleased, he doesn't seem upset either.

"Who did this?" he asked looking at the pool of blood in front of us.

"I can't say." I simply told him.

"I won't tell the police if that's what you're worried about. I just need to know who needs more medication."

"Charlotte and Aurora." I didn't make any eye contact when telling him. He gave me a reassuring nod.


I sat at the back of an ambulance getting checked over when the two girls appeared. There were armed police leading them to a police van, their hands were cuffed behind their backs.

Charlotte shook her head at me, I saw sadness in her expression and Aurora looked angry. Full of hatred.

I quickly looked away. Eye contact would only make things worse.

I was escorted home by the police, one officer stayed as protection incase anything went wrong.

I kept a close eye on the twins and my mum, anything could happen with those pair out of the hospital. My mum stayed awake with me whilst Jai and Luke slept on the sofa next to us.

I've got Charlotte arrested for doing nothing. She didn't stab her. She was just hurt and her friend stood by her. That's what happens with most girls in this town when they get into some kind of relationship with me. I'm a dick.

"Beau Brooks?" an officer snapped me from my thoughts.

"Huh? What?"

"Miss Mason has been returned back to the hospital as she took no part in the actual murder. Miss Lovejoy however, is being held in a cell accompanied by two guards and a nurse."

"Okay. Thanks."

"Miss Mason would like to see you. You don't have to go if you don't want to."

"No. I will. Please."


Back at the hospital, forensics were all over the 17th floor. It looks like a horror film.

I got to the 18th and took the key to Charlotte's door and slowly walked in. She looked up from her seat and her eyes were red and poofy. She'd been crying?

"Why did you say it was me?" she asked, tears refilled her eyes.

"Please don't cry. I didn't mean to. You were there when it happened, I was in shock." I spoke soothingly. Watching my words. From her expression it didn't look like she'd listened to what I'd said.



"Please get me out of here. I'm not a psycho."

I've fallen for a psycho. (Beau Brooks fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now