Chapter 12

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A/N I just wanted to say I've changed Lydia's name to Charlotte because I was getting confused with it being the main name in both of my fanfics! Sorry for any confusion and for the unoriginal name which so happens to be mine aha:)

When I get home it's quiet. Too quiet. My mum and Greg must be in bed. I lightly knock the door and pop my head in.

"Mum?" I whisper.

"Yes?" she replies sitting up.

"Sorry to wake you but has Charlotte come back?" I feel bad for what I said.

"Not that I know of. We haven't heard anyone come in. Why? What's happened?" her voice starts to sound panicky.

"I kinda told her that I wanted to be with her but couldn't because it would ruin my reputation." I instantly look to the floor as my mum's eyes burn a hole through me.

"Ugh Beau! Why are you always worrying about what other people think? Give it a go with her. You're strong and so is she. At her more vulnerable times you'll be the perfect guy to stand up for her." she blurts out honestly and from the looks of it absentmindedly. 

"I don't know mum." I sigh.

"I trust you to make the right decision. Now go and find her so she's not out all night. I love you."

"I love you too mum. Good night." I half smile and close her door behind me. I check all the rooms in the house before heading back out to find Charlotte.

After spending an hour searching I find her sat in the middle of a beach. I clear my throat as I approach her to make sure I don't frighten her.

"Hey." she says quietly as I drop down next to her.

"Hi. I'm sorry about earlier."

"It's okay. I'm used to the insults trust me." she lightly chuckles but I know it isn't a positive chuckle.

"No really I am. And I-I think we should give it a go." my voice lowers.

"Give what a go?" she asks puzzled.


"I'll pass, I'd rather be with someone who doesn't feel sorry for me." she snaps back. I've clearly done it this time.

"Like Cameron you mean?" jealousy hitting me as I say it.

"Did I say Cameron? No. Stop making up scenarios that clearly annoy you and that aren't true." she rolls her eyes but I notice a smirk as she looks away.

"You like me getting mad don't you?"

"No. You're scary when you're mad. You just happen to be scary and highly attractive when someone or something has pissed you off. Can I ask you something?"

"I guess."

"If you answer this honestly I will agree to you taking me on a date but nothing else, deal?"

"Deal." I agree a bit too quickly. She probably thinks I'm desperate now. Great.

"Did you push your friend into me and Cameron?" I notice her eyebrow raise as she asks. She looks cute when she does that.

Snap out of it Beau and answer the goddamn question!

"Yes." I admit blushing slightly. I don't blush, ever.

"Why?" she asks sweetly.

"Because like I said, I think I like you."

"Beau." she groans.

I've fallen for a psycho. (Beau Brooks fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now