Chapter 39: Consequences

Start from the beginning

Uraraka gasped with surprise. "But, that means we had a run in with a potentially dangerous villain! We could've gotten in danger!"

Bakugo shook his head. "No, that's not what you're trying to say, right Izuku?"

Izuku nodded gravely. "Yeah. What I'm saying is that if that guy is really one of them, that group is going to be starting something. Japan is in a state of complete crisis right now, with All Might retiring. With All Might out of the picture, villainy will begin thriving. Heroes just won't be able to keep up. On top of that, most of the Top 30 heroes have been taken out of commission for quite some time after the Kamino Incident... no matter how we look at it, the country is in a really bad situation."

The rest of his friends nodded as they took in this information, then Kirishima spoke up. "But what does that have to do with these Eight Precums of Death?"

Izuku paled. "Precepts, not Precums!", he nearly shouted with embarrassment. "Anyways, it has a lot to do with them. With the majority of the top pro heroes down for the count, and the top villains also being taken out, it leaves space for a new struggle for the top position for the villains. In other words, The Eight Precepts of Death and who knows who else will be going for the top, resulting in a major increase in crime rate."

Momo shivered in fear at the thought, and turned to Izuku. "Isn't there anything that heroes can do about this? I mean, at least until the top heroes get back into action."

Izuku shrugged his shoulders. "My best guess would be that everyone who is capable will become involved in, at the very least, a month long operation to keep down crime rates. That means hero school teachers, including our teachers too. Luckily, we're in our summer break, but what happens after that?"

They were all left thinking about this profound thought, when suddenly there was a fangirl-like scream from outside the restaurant. They all turned, and found a massive group of girls pointing at Izuku and squealing.

"God fucking dammit.", Bakugo sighed. "Let's go before the crowd gets too big."

They all left, and took the bus back to their dorms.
"So, Momo, what do you wanna do?", Izuku asked. The rest of their class had gone to their rooms after they harassed Izuku more about fighting such a strong villain, so the two of them were alone at the main hall of the dorms. They were sitting on the couches right next to each other, and Izuku's arm was around Momo, who was leaning on him with her head on his shoulder.

"Hmmm... I don't know.", Momo answered with a blush. "Honestly, I'd rather just be with you, and I'm fine."

Izuku blushed, and nodded. "Then let's just stay like this."

They sat there like a couple, when suddenly a shout came from upstairs, then Kaminari, Jiro, Kirishima, Mina, Hagakure, Uraraka, Bakugo, Sero and Mineta came running down the stairs with excitement.

"Momo! Izuku! Look at this!", Kaminari shouted as he showed them his phone. On it, there was the picture that he had taken of them together when they were on the bus to the Training Camp, and it was on his Instagram.

"It's a picture of me and Momo.", Izuku said with a little confusion, and a slight blush. "What's the big deal?"

Kaminari sighed, and pointed to the space below the picture. "3 000 000 likes! That's insane, that's even more than a lot of really famous people ever get! I guess it helps when you're both super famous heroes, and have the good looks!"

Jiro showed them her phone, which showed 4 000 000 likes. "You guys are more than just heroes now! You're like celebrities!"

Izuku and Momo both laughed with embarrassment, then they excused themselves to go outside for some fresh air.

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