Chapter Twenty-Nine

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Cornelia's POV:

"Today we have the pleasure to end your horrendous race!" Said one of the assassins, he was tall and thin, his skin almost as pale as mine, his eyes, crystal blue. "Finally!" Said the other one that didn't wait to come rushing to attack us.

I glanced at David and he nodded. We would each take on one. I ran towards the taller elf earthbending the ground underneath creating an earth wave. "You know what my favorite element is? Lighting!" I said as I jumped into the air and closed my hands together, I breathed in creating fire and then transforming it into lighting. It created a lightning bolt that I threw towards the elf.

"Empuje gravitacional!" Screamed the elf. Out of his hands appeared two black circles which he moved around. The lighting bolt passed through one, not doing a thing. " Great, He just got dangerous." I said landing on the floor.

I flashed step behind him and grabbed him by the back of his neck. "That ability would have worked on me, probably a few years ago...when I was human. You're dead". I said as I hit him in his joints. "You might have gravity in your side, but, I have everything else in mine." I punched him in his shoulder, back, and spine. Closing his source of natural energy, that meant no more gravity holes.

I push him to the floor. "What have you done!?" He screamed. " You see, I like to play with my prey, I've paralyzed you, but the beautiful thing is, you can still feel pain." I smirk. "What are you going to do? You're an abomination!" He screamed his eyes growing wide.

"You people expect us vampires to be moral and not do the prohibited, but, that doesn't count on me, right?" I said as I started controlling his blood.

" You know, I've never fully mastered blood bending, can be quite painful for those who experience it." I said moving his blood up and down, his body turning in irregular angles that a normal body shouldn't. He screamed in pain.

" Look at the last person you're going to see before your death, a vampire." I said as got in front of him. I then proceeded to break his neck.

I let the body fall limply to the ground. " Now, where's the next one." I said turning around to see David fighting with him, hand to hand.

"You always like to take longer than I do." I said as I melted the ground beneath me and fast but silently I began to dig my way towards them. I could feel where this elf was standing thanks to my earth bending.

Before he knew it, I was standing behind him, my hand coming out of his chest. "Boo!" I said. He gasped. "What the.." He was able to say." Bye Bye." I smiled and pulled his heart out.

"Cornelia! You always take the fun out of everything!" David said stomping towards me. "You take too long. Come on, let's help Kiona." I said as I started running towards her direction.

"Alright!" David said following me.

Kiona was chanting a spell trying to get into the barrier where the twins where chanting their own. By now the baby was crying and energy was coming out of her. "Kiona with what do we help you!?" I asked as I got closer to her.

" I need a way to make them stop chanting the spell so that I can start reversing it, they are turning the baby human and giving her powers to Otoniel. If it finishes we will be doomed. " She said worriedly.

"Easy, we kill them!" I said creating a fire blast but Kiona quickly stopped me. " NO! That would make everything worse, if they die, the baby will be sent to another part of this world. We can't risk that. " She said.

"Then we injured them enough to slow them down." David suggested." Good idea hit them on one of their legs." Kiona said. "I'll do it. Cornelia, why don't you give Kiona your energy? That would help her chanting be more powerful. It would make everything fairer." David said. " Alright. Kiona, channel me." I said. Kiona nodded. I put my arms on top of Kiona's shoulders and she started chanting again. I felt my energy being drained.

"Hurry David!" I screamed.

David grabbed two knives he had in his jacket and threw them swiftly towards the twins. Each knife landed on their left leg, they cried in pain but they ignored it. They continue chanting.

By this point already, the baby was already floating in mid-air. "Do something else!" I screamed at David. " I know I know!" He said grabbing a couple of small rocks and throwing it to them with immense force.

The rocks hit the twins along their right side of their bodies, and finally one of the fell to the ground. But before we could call it a victory, David was kneeling on the ground holding his stomach. I could smell the blood gushing out of his stomach, and I finally saw the sword coming out of his body. Behind him, I saw the demon of Otoniel.

He then appeared in front of the twins, grabbing the one that fell by his arm and pulling him up. " Finish this!" He screamed.

But, my thoughts went to one person. If he was here, then...what happened to Katherina?


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