Chapter Fifteen

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Katherine's POV:

We were on our way to Aquaran in slow pace since I was insisting on going slow. I didn't want to fall. My baby was moving a lot and that made me uncomfortable. Damon had gotten mad at me and kept quiet the entire way. According to him, we were going to be delayed because of me.

"I'm sorry Damon...I don't feel well." I said grabbing my belly. He kept quiet. Maybe he didn't hear me. "I'm sor-" I wasn't able to finish my sentence because Damon responded. "Shut up. " I was shook with his response.

"Someone is following us, come quick, let us fasten the pace." Damon said grabbing my horse. "No Damon, I can't go faster! I'm not feeling well!" I shouted whisper. "You won't be feeling well if those are vampires following us! Pregnant women are their favorite". He answered. For some reason, I didn't believe him.

Our horses started going faster and faster and my horse was becoming crazier by the moment. He started running faster than Damon's horse. "Damon!" I said as I saw Damon's horse stopping. He was smiling at me.

I got the reins and tried to stop it but instead, the horse started moving its hip up and down and soon enough it had stood up on his back legs making me fall backward.

The first pain I felt was in my hip, later my swollen belly since I rolled over it and then my head when I hit myself against a rock.

Seconds later my entire world became black.

***** Fast-Forward***



Can you hear me! Yes! It's you! You're alive! My Love!

It's me Sepherus! Oh my goodness! You're so big!"

I saw a man, white hair, blue eyes, a beard that would call my attention anywhere.

"Who are you?" I said as I got closer to him. "You don't remember me?" He said grabbing my hand. I felt the electricity, my entire body was aware of his touch. My belly moved and he immediately moved his hand to touch my swollen stomach.

"No..." I said. He softly reached to my head. "Look at me in the eye." He order. His touch was warm, soft and filled with love different from the tough touch of Damon.

I feel good in this mysterious man touch. "I'll tell Kiona to fix you up." I wanted to ask him who Kiona was but he continued asking me things.

"How are you? Where have you been? Please tell me where you are!!!" He desperately said.

"How?" I asked. "Cut your wrist... I will find you by your blood scent. For a strange reason, I haven't been able to find you! I've missed you so much."

"Why?" I asked. "Because you're my wife, the love of my life. The mother of my heir." He said.


I woke up when he said that. I was cover in sweat from head to toe. My body felt sore. I touched my head and flinched when I felt pain. I was sure I had a bruise. "Don't get up... Lay down love." Damon said. I remember his smirk when my horse was going berserk.

"Don't touch me." Is said as I slapped his hand away from my shoulder. " What is wrong with you now?" He said. "You didn't help me! You stood there looking at me while I fell! I'm freaking pregnant with your child!" I said grabbing my belly. "It's not my fault you are an egoist, disobedient and rude woman that acts a scared child!" He shouted at me.

My mouth hung open for a few seconds. How dare he say that to me. "I'm going to get some things we left at the cabin. You stay here and don't move. You should be fine here. We are under the city. Don't go outside, there are vampires in the cities, looking for people to kill." I didn't do anything. I just nodded.

He then stood up and left. I heard him put the lock on the door. He left me locked up?! I wasn't liking his attitude. He was acting so mean to me. I tried to stand up but my entire body hurt.

I was feeling dizzy and worry for my baby. I slowly went to the bathroom because that was the most I could do. I stood in shock as I saw myself in the mirror. A big bruise on the left of my forehand. I slowly took my dress off and saw a black bruise on my hip and a few cuts on my legs. I decided to take a bath, maybe it would make me feel better.

I took a warm bath and as carefully as I could, flinching every time the bath sponge came in contact with the bruises. After a dreadful bath, I was so tired that I went back to sleep.


Damon's POV:

Katherine was getting on my nerve with her comments. I was tired of this. I needed to act right now. That is why I wanted to go see Otoniel. I remember the day he saved me after Sepherus' compulsion that disorientated me completely. He will forever remain my savior.


The day I went on a date with Katherine, way back when we didn't know she was going to be the next queen. I felt completely in love with her. So much, that I would have given my life for her. She was everything I looked in a woman. She was perfect and she was pure.

I wanted her. But then he came... Compelled me...and made me go nuts. I was so obsessed with Katherine that I went insane when coming to the realization that she was not going to be with me and Sepherus compelling me to get away from her.

I almost died from heartbreak.

I left school shortly after that incident and roam aimlessly from town to town trying to find myself but I couldn't. Sometimes I woke up not knowing where I was. Until that fateful day... I was so lost I wanted to die. I was in the valley of decision and I slowly and as defeated as I felt found a cliff from where I could jump and end this suffering.

But what I didn't know what that area was infested with rogue werewolves, who fed on human beings or vampires. I found them feasting on an old man and once my eyes locked with theirs, these huge black werewolves I knew my life was in danger. And suddenly, I felt this urge of fighting for my life. I didn't want my life to end like this.

I ran as fast I could, but having been depressed I hadn't fed on human blood and I was at my weakest point. I climbed as fast I could, a path that I thought was the best but it was the worst. The werewolves corner me and just when they were about to kill me, He arrived. Otoniel.

Without hesitation, he killed the wolves, three shots on each forehead, one for each werewolf that was against me. He smiled at me and nursed me for months until I regain my mental and physical health.


He is the reason why I'm alive. And I want to make him proud. To show him that I was worth saving.

In the days I was with him he trained me with new powers. He gave me substances that enhanced my vampire abilities. He made me stronger, faster, and he gave me a special power...One I will always be grateful for.


Hey guys!

I hope you have enjoyed this chapter! I would love to read what you guys think will happen! 



The Hybrid Guardian [2]Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora