Chapter Twenty-Eight

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Sepherus' POV:

* Epic Battle Music on*

"I've been waiting for this opportunity! Tonight I will have the pleasure of killing you and having Katherine all to myself! Imagine the things I would do to her!!" Damon said running my way. I took my sword out of its shield and so did he. Our swords clashed, bright red sparks coming from the impact of our swords, the sound echoing throughout the tunnels.

" You're just a boy who fell in love with the wrong person." I replied. " And all of that resentment has driven you insane!" I screamed pushing him with my sword. He jumped a few meters away.

His face slowly begun to darken. It wasn't a normal vampiric transformation, it was darker, one can say more demonic.

" You compelled me! You took my love and conscious away from me! You used your power to take advantage over me! If it weren't for you I would have been with Katherine all along! She had feelings for me, a mutual attraction." Damon said his entire body slowly evaporating into a dark shadow. " Even if I hadn't compelled you, she would have still chosen me." I replied.

"She's a hybrid, she had the choice of deciding but you took that away because of your pathetic fear! If only you would have man up, you would have won Katherine a clean way, not cheating your way in! Your only excuse is that of the mate bond! I've seen werewolves and vampires happily live their lives without their mates! " Damon screamed. His ash body than moved his way towards me.

" You're even crazier than what I thought! Stop this nonsense! You will only end up dead!" I screamed trying to shield myself from the blast his body created when reaching me. It passed through me, cutting me as if it were thousands of needles. It pushed me with such a force I landed on the floor a few meters away.

"What in the world have you become?" I struggle to say getting up.

" This was a little gift Otoniel gave me when he freed me from your compulsion. This is my freedom, and after I'm done with you, Katherine and I will be happy together, and I'll get rid of that bastard child you have tormented her with!" Damon said his entire body and face were as a water illusion, moving from side to side.

I ran up to him trying to hit him but I went through him, once again feeling the needles against my skin. "Just hear what you're saying! You say you love her but won't accept her baby?!" I screamed. " I won't accept anything that has to do with you! I'll kill every single person out there with even a drop of your DNA!" Damon said coming my way.

How am I going to stop this maniac?

Damon started to gather the shadows around the place, stealing them and forming a spear in his right hand. Then for a few seconds, he vanished but I could hear his movements and I was able to dodge his strike, but just barely. He impaled me with his shadow blade, cutting a chunk of my right side close to my ribs.

I was now a few couple of meters away from him, hiding behind the water pillars, trying my best to control my breathing. I wasn't healing as fast as normal. Blood was coming out of the wound, so I quickly ripped a piece of my shirt and tied it around my stomach.

I couldn't touch him, whatever I threw at him would just pass through, I needed a something to retain him.

I continue to dodge Damon's attack jumping from one water tube to another. My wound didn't allow me to flee as fast as I wished.

I landed in one of the water tubes and it started cracking, vapor coming out of it. And an idea popped into my head.

What if I broke one?

The water would soak Damon and that would make Damon denser. I would only have one chance to strike him down.

I started running into circles, Damon following me, sending shadow shuriken toward my direction. I knew he wasn't paying attention to where he was striking those blasts so, I tried to direct him without him knowing, hitting the same water tube. Vapor slowing started to exit it. I finally stopped on top of it.

One little push and it would do. Damon stopped as well. We were facing one another.

"You have always taken everything away from me." Damon said. "I'm sorry that you have loved everything I have loved. Maybe in another lifetime, you could have your own soulmate and family. But in this one, you won't." I said as I stepped on the tunnel and flash step out of its way.

The water hit Damon, pushing him towards another tunnel, soaking him entirely, burning his skin in the process. "Argh!!!" He screamed in pain. He tried to move away from it and fell down to his knees, the tunnel then started to close by itself.

I quickly landed next to him and grabbed him by the neck. " Goodbye Damon." I said as I entered his chest cavity with my hand. He gasped from the pain. " You will never be happy with Katherine." He said. " We will." I said as I ripped his heart out of his chest. His body instantly becoming limp.

Within seconds his body became dust leaving me with my arm stretched out.

Somehow, I felt the aftertaste of killing him. I didn't feel as satisfied as I thought I would have been.

Right that instance I heard Katherine cry in agony. I turned around to see Otoniel striking Katherine with his sword through her chest.

"NOO!" I screamed running towards them. 


Hey guys! 

Who's side are you in? Team Sepherus or Team Damon? Comment down below! I would love to hear which side are you in =D 

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I also want to announce that "The Hybrid Guardian" has reached more than 6k views! I'm so happy because of that! Thank you all for reading my story,  wouldn't be here if it weren't for you guys!  Thank you for your support :3 I hope you keep enjoying the story and what's next. 



The Hybrid Guardian [2]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora