Chapter Seventeen

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Katherine's POV:



Please show me where you are! I need you. You're my life. You're my everything.

Please, Katherina!

I woke up from the dream...The same man calling out for me... I looked at my palm and looked at the kitchen where I supposed was a knife. I didn't know what to do. My confusion arose by every dream I had.

I felt the desire to cut my palm as he had instructed but I was afraid. Very afraid. I didn't know if it was my mind playing around with me or if it was real.

I looked down at my belly and whine in complain because the baby kicked me hard. He was moving a lot. It made feel uneasy. I slowly stood up and went to the bathroom to wash my face. It was early in the morning, I had slept all night long.

I looked around and saw that my baby kit and my things were nowhere to be seen. Damon was supposed to organize them for me. Could he have forgotten? Maybe he put them in another place.

I looked around the small room but my things were nowhere. "What do I do now?" I can't do much without my things and if I have an emergency... My hands started to feel sweaty. I didn't know what to do.

Should I stay here until Damon came back? Or should I go back to our cabin and get our things?

I sat on my bed. Thankfully I wasn't feeling sore anymore. Oddly my bruises had healed. "What do I do?" I whisper to myself.

I thought the possibilities and after deciding for too long I took a risk. "I'll go back for my things before Damon comes back. I'll make it in time for him not to notice."

I took the only things I had with me that were a red hoodie that Damon had left and a bag of coins. When I tried to open the door I knew it was locked. "He locked me in..." I said in astonishment. "That's not right... Something is up...Okay, Catalina, relax, how can you open this door?..." I looked around and remembered there was a knife in the kitchen.

Maybe that would work.

I took it and tried to maneuvered it so that it can open the lock. I started getting frustrated and I punched the doorknob. I sat down on the floor with tears of frustration. When I heard a metal hitting the floor, I turned around and it was the doorknob that had melted down. "Wow... How did this happen?" I said as the door opened with a gust of wind.

I didn't put too much mind into it and made my way out of the small apartment I was in. I took the stairs and when I was out I was in the middle of a village. It was beautiful, but I didn't have time to admire, Damon could get here any minute. My heartbeat was beating so fast I thought I was going to have a heart attack. I hid under my coat and quickly I made my way out of the village where I saw an old man in a small carriage.

"Hey, mister! I'm sorry to bother you... Can you take me to the Encantados wood? I have a little bit of money if you wish..." I said. "Don't worry, climb on! I'm heading to those sides of the mountains anyway. " He said kindly.

Once he saw my belly he climbed down and help me. "You could have mentioned you were pregnant...and now looking at you up close...You're very beautiful." He said smiling. "Thank you." I whispered.


In less time than what I expected, I was in the Encantados Woods. My little house was just two meters away from me and the man that was taking me seeing my pregnant state left me at the door of my house and didn't ask for a penny. "Thank you so much. Are you sure you don't want the money?" I asked looking at him. "No my lady. I'm alright. It was a pleasure having the company of such a beautiful lady." He said smiling and he left.

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