Chapter Six

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Hey guys, I'm really sorry for the late update, I have just finished my sixth semester of college and the ending was fatal, lol. But I made it through!! So now, I can focus more on writing throughout my vacations Yoohoo! I hope you all enjoy this chapter, don't forget to vote, comment and share!

Note: I also changed the cover of the book what do you guys think?

Have a good read and enjoy!



Katherine's POV:

"She... was poison by President Otoniel..." I said lowering my head in shame of not being able to save my own mother's life. I fell on my knees, the emotions I had been able to retrain flowing free at the wrong time.

"Hold my purse, I'll kill him." My grandmother said. "I'm so sorry, I should have done more to save her...I'm so sorry...I'm so sorry." I whisper, more to my myself than to Cornelia.

She kneeled down and grabbed my chin softly. "It's alright child. Life is as it is. We just need to accept it. I'm sure you did your best to save her. Now, where's little boy David?" I immediately stopped crying, tensing each of my muscles. I showed her my hand where my sealing ring was. " Now, I understand that awful looking ring. You need to let him out, girl."

"What?! Are you crazy? He was the reason why my mother suffered so much!" I screamed as I got up. "Mmm...I think I'm missing on many things. You'll have to explain later, anyways, he is the only one that knows how to break the curse, well, he's the only one that can break it. After all, it was his father who betrayed me. Only that bloodline can break the curse. Unless, like I've said before, you kill me. Either would be fine with me. "

Why does King David have to be involved in everything? "I won't kill you. I can't. I'll free David. I'll be back for you, Grandmother. I promise." I said looking at her red blood eyes. "Alright. But, I don't know what he might do with my powers. You have to be quick." I nodded.

"As for now... grab my sword, it is the only thing that can immobilize me. Only a few seconds have passed, so, go on. Impale me. No fear. " She said smiling.

"Okay..." I grabbed her sword, made my stance. "Don't forget to run as fast as you can." I nodded. The vision finished and I found myself with her sword in the stance I was in just seconds ago, impaling her heart. She must have moved a few feet. Her skin started to desiccated and she fell to the ground and I took off running like a bolt.

"Catch her!!!" I heard a person command. I earthbended a wall between the soldiers that were following me. If only I could shift...But I can't. I only hope that my grandmother is wrong...I can't be pregnant.

I enter running into the nearest village and changed my clothes in the nearest shop, I needed to find Sepherus and the soldiers, they must not be too far. Saphira, I need your help, I need to find Sepherus. I said to my wolf. She nodded. My eyes changed color to a red, ever since I turned queen my eyes have become red. I'm not complaining though. It looks cool.

They're down. There must be an underground tunnel or something. I nodded. There must be a hydrologic system. Without thinking twice I saw an opening entering the underground tunnels. They are a couple of yards away. If you run you can find them. Go straight. Saphira said giving me instructions. I nodded. I started running.

I had a couple of minutes to think of everything that had happened. King David was the only way I could save my grandmother without killing her. But I hated the idea to give him freedom, especially after what he made us go through. Should I do it? I don't know. But if I don't...then only God knows what Otoniel would make my grandmother do. How did he get her? So many questions...

I wasn't able to think anymore because I was embraced by a very worry looking Sepherus. "Katherina." The way he said my name, made my knees weak. "Sepherus." He quickly came my way and gave me a hug. "I was so worried, I didn't want to leave. But you! how dear you compel me!" He was mad at that. "I know. I'm so sorry, I didn't want you to go against my grandmother." "Grandmother?" He question. "Yes. I'll tell you everything when we get back." He nodded. "Come, the others are a little bit up, Kiona got injured so the waterbenders are taking care of her."

I grabbed his hand and we both ran to reunite with the others.

*** Fast Forward***

We were able to get out of the human part of the world through the underground tunnels that lend to an opening near the wall. Guess the humans didn't think these tunnels were useful...but for us, it was perfect.

It was already night time when we started climbing the wall earthbending upwards. We were received with a medical group checking on us. Sepherus and I went to a royal tent they had set up. A girl with tender eyes started checking me up while a boy started attending my husband. "Do me a favor, child, check my stomach area. Tell me if there is something there."

Sepherus stopped the boy that was checking him and looked at me with wide eyes. He then looked at the girl with impatient growing eyes. "Go on, girl, do it fast." She nodded and started checking my stomach for any sign of life. "My lady... you're expecting." She said a little too excited. I smiled at her. "Thank you, you are dismissed... And please, don't tell anyone." "Yes, my queen." She bowed and left.

Sepherus quickly was at my side. "You're pregnant?" He asked. I nodded. "Katherina! You're pregnant! Oh my goodness! I'm going to be a father!" He said standing up grabbing my hands. "We're going to be parents to a little wolfie!" He said smiling. I couldn't deliver his same excitement. "What's wrong love?" I took my hands off of his.

"We're in the middle of a war Sepherus! I don't my child to be born in this war! It's very dangerous. You told me that we were using protection...How could it had been conceived? " I asked more to myself, the last part. "My love, we were, but I now remember that one time in the lake...But hey, hey, look at me in the eye. I swear to you, that although it is a time of war, I won't allow anything to happen to our child. He/She will be under our protection. Please believe me." He said caressing my cheek.

"I wish I could..." I quickly left the tent and jumped from the border of the wall, Sepherus running after me but stopping when I jumped. "Let her, Sepherus, she'll get around the idea that she is carrying a child."Kiona advised me. I nodded. "I hope so..." Sepherus whisper.

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