Chapter Twenty

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Sepherus' POV:

I had to be strong. For both of us. For all of us.

I kept repeating that to myself over and over again, but I was just as heartbroken as Katherina.

Everything happened so quick it felt like a dream. The birth of my baby girl, her kidnapping, and Katherina and I unable to do anything because of the spell Kiona put upon us.

Katherina wasn't responding to anything we did to her. She didn't move, she didn't speak. She just looked into the open. We decided to take her back to the castle, so, I started ordering soldiers around. " Get me a carriage for Katherina and I! Move people! We must take her to a healer as soon as possible!" I didn't care if I had to stop the conquering of the human territory. My wife was first. I order all the troops to be back in the vampire side of the world in order to protect their Queen.

After waiting for about half an hour, the carriage finally arrived. I put her head on my lap and the entire way I caress her face. After about a day of journey, I felt something wet falling on my lap. I looked around to see what it was to later realize it was Katherina who was silently crying. I grabbed her head and shoulders.

She felt so fragile... "Katherina...Katherina.." I whisper to her. But nothing came out of her mouth. I only heard her soft whimpers. "We're going to bring our baby back. I promise you that." I whisper. I grabbed her and gave her a hug.

After minutes of hugging her, I was about to lay her down on my lap again, but she spoke.

What she said broke my heart.

"It's my fault....It's my fault." She repeated. Tears started falling down her cheeks, this time her whimpers were louder. She grabbed her head whispering over and over again that it was her fault. "Katherina! Stop! This isn't your fault!" I said as I tried to make her look at me. "Yes, it is! It's my fault! It's my fault!" She started screaming.

"No, it's not...We are going to have her back." I whisper. "Don't lie to me! It's my fault!" She screamed. She grabbed her head again and started screaming.

"It hurts! My heart hurts! Make it stop!" Was what she said minutes later. She grabbed her chest. I grabbed her hand. "Katherina, calm down. We are going to be fine!" I reassure her, but not enough to reassure myself. " It's my fault..." She whisper.

Her hair was a mess, her eyes bloodshot, her nose red and runny and her eyes, her stare was void and sad. I grabbed her and hugged her, caressing her head and whispering the entire way that everything was going to be alright until she fell asleep.

Shortly after, we arrived to the castle, I took her to our room. I put her on the bed but she couldn't move from her waist down. But she didn't care.

Whatever Otoniel had injected her with had immobilized her. Her entire body was poison. She was like a living vegetable. She didn't speak, she didn't eat. She didn't do anything. Just sat on the edge of the bed looking out the window.

After what happened in the carriage she didn't speak another word. She wouldn't open up to me even if I tried.

I needed her as well. I had lost my daughter as well. But I have to be strong. I have to be strong for all of us.

I got out of our room and order a soldier to bring a healer from the hospital. Minutes later, a waterbender arrived. "My King. I was summoned here by you." She said bowing down. "I need you to heal my wife. She has been immobilized." I said. "I think I know a way we can heal." She said. I motion for her to continue.

"There is a lagoon under the Esmeralda caves. We can take her there. Those waters have special substances that will make the healing progress much faster." She said. "Alright. I'll take her down. Have everything prepared." I said turning around and heading toward our room.

When I got to her, it was no surprise to see her in the same position as before. I sat down next to her. "I know you're there. And I want you to know that I will not rest until we have our daughter again. But, first, you have to recuperate. Please, Katherina. Do it for her. " I said caressing her cheek.

She didn't move or say anything. It was as if her body was just a shell with nothing inside. "We're going to heal your body." I said as I got closer and grabbed her. I carried her all the way to the Lagoon under the Esmeralda caves.

Not even once did she move.

As I passed by, I saw the look of sadness of my soldiers. They felt their Queen's pain.

When we got to the lagoon, there were about three soldiers, David, and the healer. "My King, please put her inside the net. It will allow her to float and not drown." She said giving me instructions.

I enter the lagoon and put Katherina in the waters. "You're going to be alright." I whisper to her. The healer started to waterbend the waters and they started to glow. Out Katherina's body came a black substance that evaporated shortly after exiting Katherina's body. "Why isn't she moving? " I asked looking at Katherina.

"The venom has been removed but, mentally, she's not stable. The only thing we can do is wait until she comes back from the state she is in." She replied. "And how long will that take?" I asked. "I can't tell...Maybe days, weeks...years..." She whispered. " We don't have that time. What can we do so that she can react? We can't leave her like this!" I screamed. "Calm down Sepherus. She lost her best friend and her baby got kidnap. What did you expect? For her to come running into your arms? " David said. " We can't leave her like this! She's my wife for goodness sake! I need her as well!" I said my frustration manifesting.

"I know that Sepherus. But, you have to be strong for both of you. She's as her weakest. She's lost. " David replied. "How can I bring her back?" I asked.

"I don't know." Was David respond.

We made our way again to our room. Katherina was fast asleep in my arms. She looked weak and fragile. I hadn't seen her like this since the death of her mother, Queen Ester.

After I laid her on the bed, I made my way to the library and started looking for something that could help us. Without Kiona, I couldn't know what magic spell would help and I didn't dare ask for the elf's help. They had betrayed us.

I started reading the ancients books located in the royal library and after two days I didn't find a single thing. I was running out of time.

Katherine was the same. Sitting on the bed and looking out the window. She didn't eat, drink, she didn't do anything and It was driving me insane. Her bones were starting to show. In order to survive her body has begun to eat itself.

I had ordered a search party for Kiona and the baby but so far I had no reports. I even proceed with the human part of the world invasion. I was determined to end their domination over the world. I was not going to let any corner of their part of the world unsearched.

I sat at the edge of my bed looking at Katherina. "I don't know what to do! Please, Katherina, say something!" I said as I got closer to get and caress her cheek. She didn't even look my way.

"I know you are in there. Please, I need you. Once you are alright, I will find Kiona, I will find our baby and I will kill Otoniel and Damon. Everything will be back to normal. Like the old times, when we were happy." I whisper to her.

She didn't respond. I sigh. I was not going to get one. "What am I supposed to do ?" I said grabbing my head.


Hey guys! I hope you have enjoyed this chapter! I'm sorry I was late, I was having some back pain from my bad habit of sitting. But I'm all good now! I hope you enjoy this chapter, I'll be updating very soon since I kind of wrote two chapters in one, I'll just polish it =D 

What do you guys think will happen? Please don't forget to comment, vote and share! I would really appreciate it =D 

Love you all 


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