Chapter Seven

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Katherine's POV:

I sat close to the lagoon that was underneath the tunnels of Esmeralda rock where the werewolves were building machines for their armor and protection.

A wide arrange of thoughts were in my mind, most of them were negative. I was so careless. How could I be pregnant? I can't bring a child in the middle of a war with the humans. How would I fight? I have thousands of vampires and werewolves that are trying to coexist because of me.

And what if I... end this? No, Katherine, you can't! It's your pup! Our pup! You can't take the life of an innocent child. We'll make this work with Sepherus and everyone who will give their life to protect you. Saphira screamed in my mind.

No. I don't want anyone protecting and giving their lives for me. I can't. I won't. I waterbended a stick of ice giving it a sharp end. "I will end this. I can't have a child."

I grabbed the stick with it's pointed edge towards me with both my hands. Don't do it, Katherine! Please, I'm begging you! Don't do it! Saphira said. She was threatening to come out and stop me from doing this. But I didn't allow her.

Slowly I put the stick closer to my stomach, but my body wasn't responding to me, it was doing my actions much slower than what I wanted. I started shaking and getting frustrated. Tears started running down my face.

"I can't..." I whisper, falling to the ground with the stick next to me. I had only made a small scratch that quickly healed. Seconds later Sepherus came rushing to me. "Katherina!" He said kneeling down next to me.

"I can't...Sepherus..." I sobbed. "It's alright Katherine, everything is going to be alright." He whispered to me. "I'm afraid Sepherus, I'm afraid for our child. I don't want anything to happen to her/him. " I looked at him. "Nothing is going to happen, we are going to protect him/her from anything. I promise you."

Believe in him, Katherine. Believe in us. I nodded. "I will." I whisper. Sepherus helped me get up and carried me bridal style out of the lagoon and cave. He took me to the royal house and laid me on our bed. "Sleep, I'll bring you something to eat." He said. I nodded.

I laid down on my bed. When I remember about my grandmother. "Sepherus, wait. I have to tell you something more." I said as I got up.

"Yes love, tell me." He said grabbing my hand. "Cornelia...she's my grandmother." He nodded. "And she was ambushed by a man. I still don't know who it is, but they cast a spell on her, both vampires and humans. The only one that can set her free is David." I said looking at my ring.

"He's the only one that can tell us what happened, so many things don't add up. How was my family still in power, who was that man? Something is missing. We have to let him free." I said.

"Are you sure honey? I mean, he almost killed everyone a few months ago. I have an idea...What if we put a restraining spell on him. Wouldn't that be a good idea?" Sepherus advised me. "Yeah, I like the idea. Let's go find Kiona." I said getting up. "No, first you eat. Here." He said offering his hand towards me.

"But honey... You're tired too..." "Don't worry. I don't only look strong." He joked. I bite his arm and let the dark red liquid enter my mouth, making me feel as if I had slept for 8 hours.

When I finished I gave Sepherus a kiss on the cheek and we left to find Kiona. We found her in her laboratory.

"Hey, Kiona we need to talk." I said. "Yeah, tell me." She said not looking at her microsphere. "We need to bring King David back and put him under a restraining spell." I said. "Have you gone mad?" She replied looking at us. "No." Sepherus said.

"Cornelia turned out to be my grandmother and she is being held by the humans as a slave because she had a spell on her that only allowed the person that woke her up to control her. The only one that can break that spell is David because he was from that bloodline. And we also need some answers. My grandmother was in power and then she was ambushed by both pureblood vampires and humans but my bloodline was kept in power and some things don't add up. We need answers. " I explained.

"Man, this just gets more complicated by the day. Well, I can do it, but I don't know if you'll resist it, Katherine. You're pregnant for goodness sake, spells can be very dangerous for any pregnant being." She said.

"Then what do we do?" Sepherus asked.

"Well... I have an idea. Instead of keeping the ring with Katherine, we can take the ring from your finger, put it quickly in a restraining spell circle and that way he can be free and we can lock him to another object that you can control." She said looking at me.

"I like the idea. What do you need?" I asked. "Another ring... but a pretty one, not like that hideous ring." Kiona said. "hey! It was my mother's!" I yelled. "Yeah, yeah, go find another ring and bring me some salt, and I'll have the rest here. We can meet in 30 minutes."

We nodded and left to find a pretty ring and some salt.

"I hope this works." I said holding Sepherus' hand. "Everything will be alright. If anything happens we could kill David and that will end everything. He must be weakened from the time in the ring without blood." "Yeah, you're right." I replied.

We were able to be back in 10 minutes to which Kiona responded. "I said 30." But nevertheless, she started drawing the runes with chalk and salt. "When I say the atlascavan, you put the ring in the middle of the circle and get out of it as fast as you can." Kiona order. I nodded.

"Vit, zen, cossal, vit, zen, cossal trotoran atlascavan" When she said that word I almost threw the ring in the middle of the circle and got out of it as fast as I could flash step.

Seconds after the ring started flashing a blue light and the shadow coming out of it. We heard a scream come and then King David stood in front us covered with a black liquid. His eyes were red from hunger. He stood up and tried to come close to us but he couldn't because of the retraining barrier.

"I see you two are still alive... "He said out of breath. "We are going to ask you some questions or else we will pierce you with these swords that are bathed in Satra." Sepherus said as he took a thin sword.

"How wonderful." King David said.

"Who betrayed Cornelia?" When I said her name his eyes widen. "Cornelia... she's alive?" He said and what happened next brought a heartbreak sensation to by heart.

He had begun to cry.

"She's alive...she's alive..."He whispered more to himself. "Yes. And we need to help her... but for that, you need to help us." I said as I kneel down, trying to take advantage of his state.

"Yes. I will do anything to help her... to help the love of my life." I gasped when he said that.

"What? What do you mean?"

"It's a long story, Katherina. Things are not as they seem..."

"Good because we have time to hear it." Sepherus said grabbing a chair and sitting on it. 


Oh my goodness!!! What do you guys think will happen next???

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Until next update! 



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