A Treatise on Religion

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Funerals in Moor have the same ceremonial ideologies as everything else to do with Stoicheism.

For those in large cities, funerals take place in the city temples, for those in the countryside they are held in ceremonial gathering places. It is traditional for the deceased to be dressed in a simple white shift and to be burned with any personal belongings that might assist them in the afterlife. Mourners should wear black or other dark clothes.

Stoiecheists believe in the Shadow Realm, a world of shadows and ghosts ruled over by Sko, the goddess of darkness and death. Sko's realm according to many is the Sea of Bones, to others it is everywhere, simply hidden by a veil that separates the living from the dead.

During funerals, the deceased is laid upon a pyre, and a priestess or clergyman/woman recites words from the sacred texts, and asks for the gods' blessings.

They will ask for clemency for any transgressions committed by the deceased, and often give a short speech about the lives and accomplishments of the deceased. These eulogies can include songs, parts of stories, or simply loving speeches commemorating their lives.

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