A Book of Songs and Anthems

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The Flame of Feralis: Feralin National Anthem

Have you seen

The flame burning bright

Have you seen

The golden wings of freedom (1)

Have you seen

The Royal town, Giant's fist arising (2)

Have you seen

The Crown of Flames

The light that holds the dark at bay (3).

1 - This line is in reference to the rebellion against Nitens' rule in the year 0, when the humans and makraz banded together after the Breaking to overthrow the rule of the ambros. It also is in refernce to the golden bat of the Conclamata family.

2 - A reference to the fist-like mountain beneath the Royal Palace in Moor.

3 - "For we are the light that holds the dark at bay," is the Conclamata family motto, and variations of the motto can be seen at the end of many speeches made by members of the main family. This final line is a reference to that motto.

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